I know there's plenty of people who've gotten to level 60 or higher without using the map or the compass or fast travel, and who are even demanding that the game make them stop to eat, sleep, and take a crap, but for the casual gamer, it can be really frustrating. I'll look at my quest log and it will tell me to go deliver a Sword of Wounding to Farael or something. I have no idea what a Sword of Wounding is or where the hell to find Farael. And the quest descriptions are not much help either, just short little sentences. I really like this game but I don't have much spare time, so when I do get a chance to play I'd rather actually play the game instead of looking through a wiki to find out what I'm supposed to do.
A hardcoe mode would be great for the hardcoe crowd. But how about throwing in some directions or better descriptions for the non-hardcoe people?