Actually, a few encounters written here ain't random but scripted to always appear at the same spot i.e carriage attacks and burnt shack
I found a clearing with a few tents and 2 corpses and a journal. Apparently they were lovers and eloping when their camp was attacked by a bear. The next time you visit, the camp and corpses have been cleared up and replaced by a shrine to Mara, the goddess of love. How sweet. Oh and the journal hinted at a secret stash the man was saved up for their journey.
The location is just slightly north of soljund's sinkhole at the reach.
A bear? I found a dead couple and a sabre cat.

Let's run-in with 3 horkers and 3 Thalmors tonight...thugs that made me lose the guy taking the cow to the giants....
My second wild dragon, perhaps? I was taking my new horse out for his first ride, and I got jumped by an assassin. I had a bit of trouble dismounting and getting into battle mode. He killed me. This surprised me, but I figured OK, I had some problems here, so yeah.
Round two, I knew he was there and saw him, so I dismounted and attacked. I killed him and suddenly got hit by a little light. I turned around to find a frostbite spider. So now I'm thinking, OK, maybe he was here before and it's one reason I died. I was just about to hit him when my screen filled with blue-white light, and the spider lay dead. "What the heck? Who killed the spider?" I said, and I looked up. ... ... O_O That was when I realized that on both occasions, I'd heard this dramatic music. *facepalm* I am melee by trade and reputation, so I didn't have much of an attack to offer it, but then I remembered my flame staff. The dragon flew down to Dragon Bridge, and I ran after it, my staff going off like it was on full automatic. I set someone's roof on fire and then set a villager on fire when she ran in front of me. The dragon was finally killed, and I was suddenly set upon by guards, who killed me just as the soul absorbed.
Round three went a little better.