Funny Skyrim Stories Thread #---

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:40 pm

Well, this happened during the Diplomatic Immunity quest. I won't put any spoilers up, as the incident was a random dragon attack at a very awkward time.

So there I was, handing over ALL my gear (weapons, clothing, trinkets) to whats-her-face before being shoved away to the Thalmor embassy. I don't even hear the Elder Dragon before it's too late. It crashes down and proceeds to attack every NPC in the village. So, no weapons or armour, no magic as I'm a sword&shield kind of guy. No worries, right? I mean I have plenty of Dragon Shouts and these lovely Party clothes for protection.

I needed something nice and strong for this, so I bring out Storm Call. Bad decision. As soon as I shout it every NPC in the area is pushed slightly before the lightning comes down. Now I have an entire town, the invincible quest NPC, and an Elder Dragon all attacking me, all the while my screen is constantly flashing as everyone is getting hit by lightning. There was no winning here, so I just sat back and enjoyed the multitude of lighting bolts before meeting certain demise.

Storm Call; Don't use it. 8D
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:43 am

Not really a story but here. I walk out of Dragonreach and a courier comes up to me. I think great a stupid note. Then when he starts talking to me I notice he is only wearing his skivvies and boots. Someone was having fun but had to be on call.. :hubbahubba:
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Brian Newman
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:55 pm

Just today...

I was doing the quest where you have to find a certain woman's remains, after sorting out the bad guy on an island? You know the one. And the fight with him is pretty spectacular. Well, he disarmed me twice after I'd only ever gotten in a few hits. I was unarmed, running around trying to find my weapons, and every time I came upon him, I just wound up punching him. It amused me terribly...this horrid undead, powerful boss, and me just punching him like I was in a bar brawl. Faendal killed him, really. There can be no other way he died. Then I was like "OK, Faendal, we're going to make a grid to search for my weapons here, starting in tight circles..." Took forever to find my axe. :-)

Then just now, I went after a mudcrab and started getting carried off by the current. Faendal was yelling the usual combat lines, so I thought there were mages or bandits. No, more mudcrabs, with him being the most melodramatic i've ever seen him. But much of the time, we couldn't easily get to the crabs, and they'd get partway to us in the water and stop, so we were in this endless standoff. And I'm like OK, Faendal,'s a mudcrab, let it go. But he wouldn't. I wound up going back to Markarth with him still facing down the crab who'd killed his family, apparently, like he was the Crabborn. Finally, half a mile later, I see his little torchlight as he ran to catch up to me. I dearly hope he got his crab.
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