You want a hardcoe mode?
You seem to just want a eating and sleeping monitor for each day.
hardcoe is:
No HUD, No bars indicating health, stamina and magika loss. No "eating and sleeping" bar.
You shouldn't be able to carry 5 war hammers, it should be realistic.
The cold should hurt you, likewise so should extreme heat.
You sleep when you're tired, the game doesn't tell you when you are, you just start getting worse in battle.
You eat and drink when you think you're hungry and thirsty. The game shouldn't tell you "you are now hungry".
You amateurs want a hardcoe mode, you know nothing about what hardcoe should be.
Most hardcoe mods does do most of that.
I'd look forward to Arwens RP mods once the toolset comes out.
And regarding "the game shouldn't tell you you are hungry" - unfortunately we haven't invented virtual reality games yet that allows smells, feelings or the likes, so we still need some indicator to tell us.