Blood on the ice/Home in Windhelm problem

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:53 pm


i have a problem, i can't buy the home in Windhelm
i have completed the Fort Neugrad quest and lfric told me he wants me to live in Windhelm and all
but when i try to talk to the Steward about it, he tells me that he cant sell that house yet because of things that have happened recently
i figured that might have something to do with the Blood on the Ice quest, but i've been to the graveyard several times now at night and the quest doesnt trigger

any ideas on how to fix this? or if this is a bug that cant be fixed yet? i'm on the xbox 360 version btw
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:37 pm


i have a problem, i can't buy the home in Windhelm
i have completed the Fort Neugrad quest and lfric told me he wants me to live in Windhelm and all
but when i try to talk to the Steward about it, he tells me that he cant sell that house yet because of things that have happened recently
i figured that might have something to do with the Blood on the Ice quest, but i've been to the graveyard several times now at night and the quest doesnt trigger

any ideas on how to fix this? or if this is a bug that cant be fixed yet? i'm on the xbox 360 version btw

Same thing happened to me. There's no fix I'm aware of, but I do know that Bethesda is looking into this problem.
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:59 pm

Same thing happened to me. There's no fix I'm aware of, but I do know that Bethesda is looking into this problem.

are you on xbox 360 too?

they better hurry up, i want that house O:
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:39 pm

are you on xbox 360 too?

they better hurry up, i want that house O:

Nope, PC. I could use console commands to bypass the quest so I can get the house, but I'm holding out for the moment in the hope that the next patch fixes it.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:16 pm

Im having a similiar issue. I have the Blood on the Ice quest going and it wont go past the final quest "Blood on the Ice: Catch the murderer" part. Calixto runs to Hjerim and he hangs out in that bloody room and will attack if you enter the house. Ive waited in the market stone quarter area at night for a couple of nights and Calixto pulls a no show. He's still in the Hjerim home. I decided to do the Imperial quest line and afterwards I was able to purchase Hjerim and all the furnishings and yet Calixto remains in that room in the house. When I go in the house now, he attacks and my follower Lydia and my house caretaker interviens Calixto and he still doesnt die. I really hope the next patch will take care of this.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:18 pm

BETHESDA needs to fix this [censored]!! i got my house and all the decorations but i cant put my wepons in the dispay case or on the racks.... and i cant clean the damn blood up please hurry up and fix it!!!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:25 pm

BETHESDA needs to fix this [censored]!! i got my house and all the decorations but i cant put my wepons in the dispay case or on the racks.... and i cant clean the damn blood up please hurry up and fix it!!!

did you purchase decorations before cleaning up the mess? I found it will make the mess permanent if you do
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:01 am

I cant get the Graveyard sene to happen either, i have decided to not bother with it on my first save, because i had allready completed the Imperials story, and all the faction quests ( all achievements in skyrim obtained )
i heard by doing the dark brotherhood it doesnt work, so i said fine, ill get it on my next playthrough.. now i have only just been summoned by the greybeards, and i havent started any factions, and i still cannot get the quest to begin, i followed my game guide, and am after leaving and entering the city by travelling to other holds more than 4 times. All of the Characters in this quest are still alive but the Quest just wont trigger, Will Bathesda fix this? is it a glitch? or am i doing something Wrong? i have tried this over and over and have spent over 8 hours trying to do this on my first save, now another 8-10 on my new save. Please help if someone can? I am also on Xbox360
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:04 pm

I've got it to work on the xbox, but after everything is said and done, the house doesn't function correctly. My display racks don't work, and neither do the cases. I realize this is a VERY common issue, so hopefully it is patched soon.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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