Ok so I've helped Ulfric Stormcloack win the War and now there are loads of small Imperial camps dotted around Skyrim with some legionaires and one named captain in each camp. When you enter the camp the legionairres will start to tell you you're tresspassing and that they are on "secret imperial bussiness" they will eventually attack you if you stick around but you can kill everyone in those camps but you cannot kill the captain. Like in the way that the game won't let you kill an NPS who is a quest giver or part of a quest.
1) Why can't I kill them? If its part of a quest, where do I get it?
2) I want to eventually make peace with the empire by making them see that bending over to the Thalmor is not the way to go and that we should unite to crush them together. Can I do that?
3) I want to do-away with the game feature that makes some NPCs invincible just because they have some sort of quest. I'd rather lose a puny quest option than suffer this realism killer. Can I do this?