Death to the Stormcloaks !

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:18 pm

Bring on the Thalmor peace through oppression. Theres little doubt from the dialog that the Stormcloak rebellion is a fools wars, It leaves them open to a war with two nations with superior resources. They have breached the White Gold Concordat leaving the open to a legal attack from the Thalmor who would just aid and ally themselves wit the Empire and reconquer Skyrim while removing all and any rebels or rebellious souls.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:03 am

To each their own. I chose Stormcloaks and don't regret it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:22 pm :lol:
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:17 pm

You people are selfish. Empire is the only thing that currently keeps Thalmor's paws off Tamriel. With that gone, those Elves are free to stomp over the human kingdoms including Skyrim.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:05 pm

As the title goes, death to the Stormcloaks !
If you pay a great attention to the lore, you will realize they are a bunch of hypocrites.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

It doesn't bother my paladin he drove the Forsworn out, that's what happens in wars (even if the forsworn ruled peacefully, but
it does bother her he killed women and children who wouldn't fight for him while doing it (some book/lore about the battle)

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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:01 pm

I may be an Imperial but im no Legion. And I dont follow the Stormcloaks. My allegiance is to myself.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:48 pm

Yeah, lets fight for the empire! The guys that sold Hammerfell to the dirty yellow elves when they refused to give up. And Hammerfell then fights the Thalmor to a standstill without this oh so needed empire, and if you had actually read that Thalmor document you would of read that a victory for the stormcloaks is something that would be extremely detrimental to their plans. Let the empire fester alone while those with the will to fight and win take the fight to the Thalmor! I think we need a new name for the "empire", an empire of one nation isn't really an empire now, is it?
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:45 pm

Yeah, lets fight for the empire! The guys that sold Hammerfell to the dirty yellow elves when they refused to give up. And Hammerfell then fights the Thalmor to a standstill without this oh so needed empire, and if you had actually read that Thalmor document you would of read that a victory for the stormcloaks is something that would be extremely detrimental to their plans. Let the empire fester alone while those with the will to fight and win take the fight to the Thalmor! I think we need a new name for the "empire", an empire of one nation isn't really an empire now, is it?

Can someone dig up the millions of quotes of how the Empire saved hammerfell?
Ulfric stormcloak is an asset to the Thalmor. An asset to the Enemy.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:47 am

Can someone dig up the millions of quotes of how the Empire saved hammerfell?
Ulfric stormcloak is an asset to the Thalmor. An asset to the Enemy.

Just as people that are now stormcloaks helped save Cyrodiil, the empire could have won but didn't have the back bone and gave up and then when Hammerfell wouldn't yield they sold them out and without the any external help fought the Thalmore to a stand still while the empire watched from under the heel of their Thalmor masters. And yes the Thalmor consider him an asset due to the war he helped spark but in the Thalmors own words, a win for the stormcloaks would be detrimental tot their plans. The war in Skyrim shows how truly feeble the empire now is, they sell an ally out then declare war when another ally wants be a free nation and continue the fight against the Thalmor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:54 pm

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

2. They blame the Empire for banning the worship of Talos. Well, the Empire was almost destroyed by the Thalmor. The treaty that banned the Talos worship was most likely the only choice the Empire had.
Stormcloaks: ORLY? Then it's the empire's fault for losing the war !
Well, you nords fought in the war too as Legionnaires and lost... including Ulfric himself... so don't go blaming the Legion for losing the war.

3. True sons and daughters of Skyrim? What about the Falmer, when they used to be the civilized Snow-elves. Nords drove them out of their homeland, forcing them underground to fight with the Dwemer and go mad/blind. They were sons and daughters of Skyrim too before.

4. Another info: In one of Skyrim's ingame books (might be spoilerish), the Thalmor writes: Ulfric Stormcloak was fed with misguided info about the Empire. He's a very good asset. He will weaken both Skyrim and Cyrodill.

I love it! I agree 100%!!

Especially on number 3. It's almost a delicious irony isn't it. The Nords took Skyrim from the elves, and now the Thalmore aim (in a way) to take it back.

Lovely. :celebration:
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:37 pm

I already know that Ulfric is a dike and everything, but still don't care about the war at all and will not side with anyone.
As long as people seek my family (Dark Brotherhood) for it's services, I'm happy. ^_^
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Deon Knight
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:05 pm

About the book where it says Ulfirc is forcing people to fight for him or die:

You people do realize that it was written by an Imperial scholar right? Obviously an Imperial would clearly be the most unbiased person for writing a book on someone they're fighting :facepalm:
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kristy dunn
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 pm

Well the empire is no better... But i see what you're saying.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:01 pm

I already know that Ulfric is a dike and everything, but still don't care about the war at all and will not side with anyone.
As long as people seek my family (Dark Brotherhood) for it's services, I'm happy. ^_^

Haha, they are badass.. :toughninja:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:58 pm

i like the stormcloaks i joined them and killed the imperial legion an proud of it. only the nords should be allowed in tamriel all other races should be sent to the gas chambers.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:02 pm

Both sides have their flaws but in the end I support the stormcloaks because the empire is a pathetic shell of the great nation it used to be. The empire is now to weak to standup for the freedoms of it's own citizens instead they are caving in appeasing a hostile foreign nation hellbent on the destruction of it's people. Ulfric is right the empire is too weak to rule and protect the people of skyrim. The Nords are a strong people and they are better off protecting and ruling themselves.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:39 pm

The empire is now to weak to standup for the freedoms of it's own citizens


It's gone beyond just saying the worship of Talos is banished, but now The Empire allows the Thalmor into Skyrim to persecute those worshiping Talos. Have you seen the massacres at the Talos statues?

I joined the Stormcloak Rebellion because I want to drive the Thalmor out of Skyrim before the Aldmeri Dominion are able to get a foot hold there. It is then my hope that The Empire will come to its senses and allow Skyrim to secede. Then perhaps Skyrim, The Empire, and Hammerfell can come to the understanding that "the enemy of my enemy..." so that they can find a way to stop the Aldmeri Dominion. The separate nations can then form an alliance and perhaps work as a European Union type of deal.

Yes, Ulfric is a jerk but those with an ambition for power usually are. And, if The Empire (jerks as well) refuses to allow the Skyrim to secede then perhaps they truly are run by the Aldmeri Dominion. Seriosly, they can't fight a war against those that want to end life but they can fight a political war?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:34 am

i like the stormcloaks i joined them and killed the imperial legion an proud of it. only the nords should be allowed in tamriel all other races should be sent to the gas chambers.

Racist !
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:23 pm

As has been said many times before, both sides have their flaws and their strengths. However all things considered, I chose to support the Stormcloaks.

On Ulfric:
Yes he may be considered a racist and may utilize underhanded tactics to achieve his ends, but people must look at this situation more objectively. He is part of a dire rebellion which could have the fate of the world on its shoulders. He has made the difficult (and yes, sometimes immoral) decisions for the greater good of his people and all the people of tamriel, as crazy as that sounds. He needed that ambition, that power hunger, to gain support from all his nord brethren and to ascend to his level of power so quickly. He is making these decisions so that eventually he can put himself in a place of such power to actually fight back against and defeat the Thalmor. If he has to piss some people off to get there so be it. A weak empire that's a shell of its former self with subjects who doubt its cause and ability stands no chance against the elves- an ambitious, battle hardened, widely experienced, energized ruler with the full undying support of his people does stand a chance. Right now Ulfric seems like a bad person, but he has the right intentions at heart and at the core is just trying to protect his own and defeat the thalmor.

On the Empire:
I'm not one of these "anti-empire, death to all imperials" kind of guy, but I think they must be ousted from Skyrim. Ultimately the fight against the elves comes down to a Unified front. Ulfric will have an easier time unifying his people of skyrim and any remnants of the empire than the empire will by trying to unify the stubborn nords, the people of hammerfell, and other imperial supporters based on cultural differences and recent events. Many say, "oh well you should thank the empire for the White-Gold Concordat or else everyone would be dead already". First of all, I don't think the thalmor and aldmeri would conquer that quickly- the total eradication of a race is harder than many believe. That being said, the Concordat did serve its purpose- it delayed the elves and served as an issue/grievance for the rebellion to form behind- the nords can agree on this treaty as being despicable- it gives the nords reason to join the rebellion. If in some way the empire can survive while still being kicked out of Skyrim, I'm all for that. Ulfric is more concerned with stopping the thalmor than he is with the empire- once they are out of his country, I think Ulfric would consider joining with them to stop the Thalmor and protect his people.

On the Thalmor:
It has been brought up many time that the Thalmor believe Ulfric to be an asset. This is true, yet the same text explains that a quick victory for either side would be disastrous. Basically, the only way for a quick victory for either side is through support of the Dragonborn. If the Dragonborn supports the Stormcloaks, you end up with a vigorous, encouraged, independent and unified skyrim under an effective, charismatic, ambitious, patriot ruler with the aid of the blades/greybeards and the greatest warrior in all of tamriel. People would see this success and rally to the cause. If the dragonborn were to side with the imperials, you still have an empire under the yoke of the Thalmor with varying support from the other people of tamriel.

Ultimately it comes down to personal view. Yes right now Ulfric seems like a d**k, but he's really making the difficult decisions that other men wouldn't have the balls to make. And honestly, if you spend time around Ulfric in the game, you realize his intentions and it seems to me that really wants to do whatever it takes, absolutely anything it takes, to defeat the thalmor and aldmeri. He's not just a dumb racist bigot with only selfish goals as everyone makes him out to be. For everything immoral or questionable he may do, he has a valid reason behind it. In the scenarios that I see a victorious empire would only delay the inevitable.

Thats my 2 cents anyway.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:39 pm

I asked Gstaff on twittter who he supports and he said Stormcloaks. He then apologized to me because he knew that I support the Empire. Why Gstaff why?!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:54 pm

I asked Gstaff on twittter who he supports and he said Stormcloaks. He then apologized to me because he knew that I support the Empire. Why Gstaff why?!

Gstaff is a Thalmor spy! Quick, dispatch the death squads. :toughninja:
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:50 am

Gstaff is a Thalmor spy! Quick, dispatch the death squads. :toughninja:

Dont you mean Penitus Oculatus :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:57 am

Racist !

Deep down inside your racist too :celebration:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:57 pm

Dont you mean Penitus Oculatus :)

Whatever gets the job done. :hubbahubba:
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Felix Walde
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 pm

after finding out from a few journals i randomly found that ulfrics men under his direct order killed women and children within the next five minutes i was at solitude awaiting my sign up goodie bag
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