[Relz] From Dusk till Dawn

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:58 pm


This Simple mod gives you the power to fully control the time the sun rises and sets in Oblivion, regardless of what weather mod you use.

    This mod allows you to:
  • Establish your own custom dusk-dawn times, and set any value you want.
  • You can assign custom sunrise-sunset times to different months of the year, simulating a seasonal change.
  • If you prefer a little randomness and variety, you can use random figures, from which sunrise-sunset times will be chosen. The random figures will be picked from a minimum and maximum range specified by you.
  • It is possible to create bizarre and whimsical climates, where the sunrises last all day long and nights are permanent sunsets( like Camoran's Paradise ). Or perhaps create an almost permanent day where night lasts brief moments.
  • If you are into Vampire characters, you can finally enjoy the embrace of the night with little worries. You can choose to make the night last as long as you like, and make the day be a small ray of light in a shroud of darkness.

Why would anyone want to change the duration of the day/night ??

For a variety of reasons.
Perhaps you are an avid adventurer and like to take the most out of your day. And that 80% darker night setting you set in “All Natural” is really making it hard for you to go on questing at night, so you have to wait...
Or perhaps, you are a nature admirer and you like to create the most beautiful, breathtaking environments and take screen-shots. But sadly you only get those lovely sunsets for a brief moment once a day.
Or you have a certain quest that can only be done during the night and even though you set the timescale to 1 the mod is playing a dirty trick on you and its time skipping !! Next thing you know it's too late.

Or maybe you have a vampire char, like me, and you are sick and tired of spending hours and hours waiting for the night to come so you can go out.
It svcks, but apparently Bethesda established a permanent daylight saving time in oblivion. Sun comes out at 6:00 AM and hides at 8:00 PM. If you are a luxon day lover type then you'll be thrilled. However, some of us actually prefer the night.!!

Well now it's finally possible to do something about it.

- Oblivion 1.2406
- OBSE 20
If you'd like to specify seasonal dusk-dawn times, you need to have the latest Pluggy version.

Extract the file into your oblivion directory and activate the .esp. Settings can be specified in the ini file. To uninstall simply deactivate the esp.
To use the seasonal settings you neeed to put the fdd_s.ini in the Pluggy\ user files folder. If you don't have it, then you have to create it.
C:\....\...\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files\

This should be compatible with any mod you use.

I would like to specially thank Arthmor and his fantastic mod All Natural, which I personally use and is the sole culprit of the creation of this mod. All Natural is a vampire's nightmare since it alters the climates so the sun comes out at 5:00 AM and hides at 9:30 PM !! :shakehead:

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:19 pm

And just because it fits the name, which references a crappy 80s film, and because I like to arbitrarily impose my music taste onto others,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R82OM5tzcrk :rock:
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jessica robson
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