» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:57 pm
I have a similar one:
Orc with 2H, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Restoration, Smithing, Enchanting
For attributes, I split everything three ways until 200, and now I am raising health to 300 by itself.
Currently about level 32, armor class of getting on for 900, weapon damage of about 300
I have stopped at ebony smithing as I don't want him even more overpowered.
I use the Tower for his sign, as it is nice to open a lock now and then.
I thought I would use block but it turned out to be unneeded.
My main advice for this type of character is not to grind smithing and enchanting. It will wreck the character by making them too powerful. Even on high difficulty levels.
There is a particular shout which goes great with the hammer and is not hard to find. You will know it when you find it.
For Restoration, I only use one spell, namely Healing. I have this on a hotkey; two presses and it is in both hands. I have all the low-level perks, plus extra magicka regeneration, but no higher perks, not even the Apprentice spell cost perk. Just this one spell works well enough for all my healing needs with the perk bonuses.
This character was quite difficult to play at low levels, but now kills anything with ridiculous ease. I did grind restoration until it was at 40 before I really played much, just to get the stamina perk mainly. That made things easier.
For dragons, you have to rely on a Flame Atronach to get them down to the ground. When your damage is still low, you can get crunched if you face them head on, so a Frost Atronach can be a good distraction.
Apart from the restoration perks, the most important perks are the basic ones in armor and weapon. Buy each one as soon as possible.
I based him in Markath, which is a good town for smiths. (But I am not becoming a thane as I don't want a damned housecarl!)
Both my other characters sneak, so this guy is kind of a relief since he just walks boldly into the room and hammers everyone.