Battle Mage Advice Needed

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:02 pm

I want to give this a go but I'm so unsure. I've started and deleted so many characters in my quest to find one I'm comfortable with so I want to try this.

One-Handed | Heavy Armor | Conjuration | Alteration | Enchanting | Smithing

How have you made yours?

What tips can you give me for combat?

How do they compare to the Warrior and Mage pure types.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:55 pm

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megan gleeson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:03 am

Ok I'll give ya some help bud. Be aware though that each battlemage is different from person to person on what they will call their own. I'm sure what I call my battlemage will not be the same as the next guys. First off, I always use a 1Handed weapon for my right hand. For my left hand I swapped between a few spells. Mostly healing andc conjuration spells. My main skills used are 1handed, Conjuration, and restoration. Always used my conjuration to keep an atronach or a raised body up to help me fight. I personally wore heavy armor, could be interchanged with light I suppose. Playstyle was to keep my summoned buddy out to help me fight while I went and sliced up the enemies. Hope some of that helps. Some people will mix it up with destruction or other magics. Its whatever magics you like the best.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:22 pm

Thank you
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:08 pm

As for recommended build:

Breton with the Atronach stone

Focus on one-handed (preferably swords as their +Crit perk applies to all types of enemies), Destruction (I know it's gimped now but I can't see how they won't eventually fix this, plus it just looks cool), Heavy Armor (the reflect damage perk and the reduced stagger perk are better than what Light Armor has to offer) Conjuration of course, Enchanting, Illusion, and Alteration.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:47 am

I'm not sure if you'd call what I play a Battle Mage. I use Heavy Armor and dual wield One-Hand swords. I use Destruction cloaks and have my restoration at Adept to be able to heal my health and stamina. I find most fights to be fairly straight forward - pre-cast a Cloak when an enemy is seen then use power attacks holding down both mouse buttons kill things quickly. If I get low on health or stamina I use Close Wounds. Dragons being in the air is slightly a pain but I usually have a follower with ranged that will make them land, and there's a shout I'm going for that forces them to land. Once they're down though, I don't find them very difficult.

I dabble in enchanting/alchemy/smithing but I haven't found them to be absolutely necessary.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:56 am

I'd suggest something like

I picked Swords, you could take Axes or Maces for one handed. I also took Shock for an element in the Destruction tree, but you could switch that out to one of the other elements.

Avoid Death makes you much tougher, and your magic will also regen faster. So I would stick with Restoration if you want magic, may as well anyhow.

Alchemy is only geared for potions right now, not poisons.

With Enchanting you could ditch the Soul Siphon, it's not that useful anyhow, but you may as well unless you want something else.

Smithing is great, especially if you want Heavy Armour, makes good weapons too.

I didn't talk about everything, but you should get the idea. Also, I believe the level cap is something like 80, so you can spend the extra perks on anything you want.

Last: I recommend you bookmark that page I linked, it is incredibly useful for planning characters. Hope I helped!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:12 pm

My battlemage:
One handed
Heavy Armor

This is a perfect balance of melee combat and magic. You NEED heavy armor because you're going to be soaking blows, light armor just doesn't work as well. Plus, you get to use Ebony Mail, which is just sick. :)
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:15 pm

Thanks for the posts guys.

How does this type of play work out for you? Is it successful? How does it compare to the pure counterparts?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:59 pm

I want to give this a go but I'm so unsure. I've started and deleted so many characters in my quest to find one I'm comfortable with so I want to try this.

One-Handed | Heavy Armor | Conjuration | Alteration | Enchanting | Smithing

How have you made yours?

What tips can you give me for combat?

How do they compare to the Warrior and Mage pure types.

I think thats actually far too close to a pure melee, alteration isnt very usefull to a heavy armor mage tbh, and conuration just gives you free companions to tank for you >_<

I am trying hybrid builds myself so far havnt found any that is both fun to me and effective playing in master diff., but the one Im trying next should do the trick:
core skills: block, destruction, enchanting (priority on these for perks)
secondary: one handed, heavy armor, alchemy (perking for these come after)

the idea is to use block as main form of defence, coupled with heavy armor for added mitigation and destruction as main offence, switching for one handed when low on mana or to apply alchemy poisons
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Penny Wills
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:04 pm

One handed
Heavy armour

I use a summoned atronach to deal as much damage as possible, supplementing it with destruction, and desperate, panicky flailing with a mace as a last resort :D. Plus lots of potions to fortify and restore.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:14 pm

Pure Warriors are absurdly easy; I two shot every mob in the game with my 2h.
Pure Mages are slightly harder, but it requires more skill to play; pure Mages are not for Novice or inexperienced players.

Battle mages are in between, at high levels, you have the ability to annihilate anything at ranged then creep in for the close quarter kill via one handed decapitation. Very fun.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:45 pm

I'm working on a Battlemage as well. I have the same things as you, but also added Block into the mix, and swapped heavy armor with light armor. I find light armor is better when I have the jump on someone, and need to crouch to get damage multipliers (Which is why I also have some points in sneak and archery). It seem very unique running around with a spell and shield, but it keeps me well protected. Still not very good as a tank though. Maybe it's time to switch?
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:55 pm

OP, not a bad set-up. Notice you don't use Destruction, which I've found useful (softening up foes as they close in so I can one-shot them in melee range), but that's a matter of preference. My High Elf Battlemage uses the Atronach stone and specializes in One-Handed, Heavy Armor, Smithing, Enchanting, Destruction, Conjuration, and Restoration. It's a slow start, specializing in so many skills, but when you really hit your stride your unstoppable.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:58 am

For my current champ I wanted to try something like this:
two-Handed | Heavy Armor | Conjuration | archery | Enchanting | Smithing

A conjured bow or the battle ax and an atronach to keep them busy, later on just the atronach because you'll be able to make better weapons.

Why does nobody runs 2h? maybe it's just me (I'm still really early in the game) but 2 handed do so much damage and the killing blow animations are pretty sick.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:48 am

Why does nobody runs 2h? maybe it's just me (I'm still really early in the game) but 2 handed do so much damage and the killing blow animations are pretty sick.

Personally it's because I like to have one weapon and one spell available at all times. I don't feel like pulling out my zweihander every time I need to melee.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:53 pm

Thanks for the posts guys.

How does this type of play work out for you? Is it successful? How does it compare to the pure counterparts?

the difference from the counterpart is that you will need to change your area of effect, if your a mage you'll do mid - to longe range dmg, if you are a warrior you'll be up and close.
The battlemage will need to be useful at both,
use spells, primarily des, and when the mana run out or the enemy gets too close you'll use a one-handed weapon.
For the spell, use destruction and choose one area of expertise, ex: fire, frost and shock,
Restoration for healing,
conjuration if your not using companions is a good choice because you create a diversion.
and Heavy armor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:45 am

I'm not an expert but instead of give u a build, i ll give just some options:


- One-handed weapon OR archery (yes, u can summon things and shot the enemies from afar)
about the perks just go for the weapon type u like.

Obs: i don't see a useful way to make a battle mage with 2 handed, but well maybe someone is skilled enough to do that.

- Heavy Armor OR no armor - Only go to alteration if u chose to make a non armored character.

In my point of view a battle mage don't use Destruction tree.

- Conjuration needed.

WARNING - i [censored] an early game of mine with a battle mage by using the entire game bound sword (could be any bound weapon in fact), i take the entire perk options on conjuration, doing that every thing i killed in the game was spell trapped, what [censored] my entire soul gem colection (hundreds of grand soul gems with petty souls TT).

well that's it!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:09 pm

Right then, it's time to put this into action!
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Jack Walker
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:59 am

So far...

I'm level 6 and I started with the Mage stone. Do you think i should change to the Warrior stone?

What attribute route would you recommend? I'm thinking mainly health and magika.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:01 am

The one issue I have with a battlemage is Health/Magicka/Stamina point distribution. All 3 are needed to an extent, so it makes it trickier.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:06 pm

Agreed. I put less into stamina, but try to avoid melee combat as much as possible, so it isn't needed often.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:23 am

Did your BM's visit the school in Winterhold?
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:33 pm

magic is Dysfunctional roll a hunter.

I have just reach lvl 44 and got my hands on the Expert level destruction spells it does 90 damage and cost 195 mana and thats with me perked for extra damge in that school of damage. I only have 425 mana and thats with Archmage robe +50 +50 Glass gauntlets and +30 amulet (ring is 60% recharge head is morokei 100% refresh) This means I should be able to do one dual wield attack but in reality I cant do this as its bugged and it just say insufficient mana so I gat 2 single shots with its, just super (425-(195x2=390)=35 mana spare). My health is only 190 and run the risk of being one shotted, I only have 6 lvls left so my mana can reach a max 485 with the same gear so at lvl 60 the expert spells will still cost far to much and Master spells will over tax my mana and be useless.

My hunter at the same lvl has a 170 bow + arrow + x3 stealth attack no shooting delay and dosn't even use stamina he can shoot indefinitly and every shot has 50% chance to stagger.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:57 pm

I have a similar one:
Orc with 2H, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Restoration, Smithing, Enchanting
For attributes, I split everything three ways until 200, and now I am raising health to 300 by itself.
Currently about level 32, armor class of getting on for 900, weapon damage of about 300
I have stopped at ebony smithing as I don't want him even more overpowered.
I use the Tower for his sign, as it is nice to open a lock now and then.
I thought I would use block but it turned out to be unneeded.
My main advice for this type of character is not to grind smithing and enchanting. It will wreck the character by making them too powerful. Even on high difficulty levels.
There is a particular shout which goes great with the hammer and is not hard to find. You will know it when you find it.
For Restoration, I only use one spell, namely Healing. I have this on a hotkey; two presses and it is in both hands. I have all the low-level perks, plus extra magicka regeneration, but no higher perks, not even the Apprentice spell cost perk. Just this one spell works well enough for all my healing needs with the perk bonuses.
This character was quite difficult to play at low levels, but now kills anything with ridiculous ease. I did grind restoration until it was at 40 before I really played much, just to get the stamina perk mainly. That made things easier.
For dragons, you have to rely on a Flame Atronach to get them down to the ground. When your damage is still low, you can get crunched if you face them head on, so a Frost Atronach can be a good distraction.
Apart from the restoration perks, the most important perks are the basic ones in armor and weapon. Buy each one as soon as possible.
I based him in Markath, which is a good town for smiths. (But I am not becoming a thane as I don't want a damned housecarl!)
Both my other characters sneak, so this guy is kind of a relief since he just walks boldly into the room and hammers everyone.
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