» Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:29 pm
1. The graphics are beautiful and nearly every dungeon I've been in has looked unique. I ESPECIALLY love Blackreach. I wish there was a town there...
2. Err, every time I have gotten into a place where enemies can't touch me, they pull out a bow (almost all of them have some type of ranged weapon) and besides! What is a mammoth going to do?! Elephants are the only land mammal that can't jump, and I think this rule applies to their Ice-age ancestors.
3. The dragon encounters are not the same, maybe you are just fighting them the same old way and should try some variety for a change. Every dragon does everything they are scripted to do, which are it's basic combat actions. They all land on the high ground for an advantage, they all speak elements at you, they all strafe, and they all hover. Those put together make for tough battles and I for one take a load of damage against Ancient dragons (partially due to nullified resistance bug, but still, they tear it up)
4. Have you even been paying attention to the voices? there are like 3 male guard voices and 2-3 female ones. That actually seems like a lot of voice acting for the same basic enemy.
5. Everything about the crime system has been improved aside from guards coming after you even if you killed a target before they can yell. Each hold has it's own bounty, you can bribe guards, you can actually effing outrun them now!
6. Somehow, screaming "PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!" seems a lot less epic than what Skyrim guards say. For one, guards would not be so damn gung ho about killing someone; if they take you in with a bounty, they bring money to their city and paychecks. Also back to #4, the guards in Oblivion ALL sounded the same.
7. Maybe two handed weapons are slow because you are swinging a 25+ pound chunk of metal? Just a guess, because in reality, you can't swing that big of ANYTHING as quickly as you can in OB. It is actually realistic in Skyrim (although I prefer one-handed because of the variety of finishers and I like a spell in one hand)
8. This isn't Soul Calibur, it is Skyrim, an RPG that flourishes because of the open world, not the combat. The combat is great, and from what I have seen, there are spin-n-sweep attacks, underhand cuts, overhand cuts, invert, overhand pwer attacks, dual wield fury attack. That is six right there, not even counting the awesome finishers: jump-and-stab, behead, picking them up with a claymore, spinning and smacking the sword into a bear's mouth, stabbing a saber-cat through the neck and kicking it away, the list goes on and on.
9. You make the game easy by doing that. That is your fault.
10. This is one of two things I agree with in your post, as I think you should have to buy instructions in order to craft certain armors. Would make it a lot harder and more fun.
11. Unrelenting Force. Is that a word in the ancient tongue that gives you the ability to use magic as dragons do? That is a dead giveaway that the shouts are going to be powerful. If it made enemies stumble, then it would svck and would make Dovahkiin seem like a dud.
12. Master difficulty was pretty damn difficult when I tried it, but I don't as it isn't fun for me to have to micromanage during battles with a steel-plate wearing bandit.
The second thing I agree with in this post is the fact that the bugs are annoying as hell. They will be fixed eventually though, so I'm not as annoyed, especially if my workaround to buying Hjerim works (initiated Blood on Ice by stealing the key to the house and investigating)