Outside of Dragon and Glass. Just curious to what is out there. Not too impressed with whats available in the smithing tree. Working towards the Nightingale armor right now. I got a bit bored going the heavy armor route with Daedric, so i wanted to switch it up with a dark elf character. Still going to be getting the daedric weapons though. Just love that one handed sword and bow.
Was just curious to other peoples thoughts on the subject.
I just wear the fur armor that is full body (There are a few different versions with identical stats but different appearances) and just improve it whenever I can. I think it looks great, nice and warm too.
My fav, playing as a female nord, is the Forsworn, she looks like.. some kinda sixy barbarian princess or something. That is, when it's not glitching out and actually shows the gloves and boots :S
I like the Nightingale armor set sans the helmet, personally. Black is my favorite color, and I generally gravitate towards the armor of that color if a game allows it. The Dark Brotherhood shrouded cowl looks great with the armor.
Whatever you do don't invest in the whole tree. It's a waste. I just stick with the dragon armor and did t realize I couldn't go from left to right. Ie. I had to start at bottom right to get daderic weapons for my light armor character. Such BS. I should have just stuck with fur till I got dragon armor. Now I'm level 57 and just got my daderic weapons.
Whatever you do don't invest in the whole tree. It's a waste. I just stick with the dragon armor and did t realize I couldn't go from left to right. Ie. I had to start at bottom right to get daderic weapons for my light armor character. Such BS. I should have just stuck with fur till I got dragon armor. Now I'm level 57 and just got my daderic weapons.
Really? I can't go from Dragon under smithing to Deadric that way? That svcks! I have wasted three perks then. Darn it. Guess i'm starting my character over again lol