Hi guys.Great game.I have really enjoyed playing through SP a couple of times and multiplayer is the most enjoyable fps in years in my opinion.I have invested a lot of money and time into my rig and gameplay so that i am able to enjoy your game a the highest levels graphically and at a reasonable level of skill game wise.It was money well spent up to this point.......
However.Multiplayer is absolutely riddled with hackers.I have always been a player who has never understood the mentality of these people and I am never likely to.I have played many fps and come across many hackers in the past but usually these people were dealt to in a reasonably swift manner and not seen again.Not so with Crysis 2 I'm afraid.Repeat offenders just seem to jump from server to server destroying game play for the rest of us.
Is it player apathy that lets these people get away with it.Is the cheat controls in multiplayer supposed to be picking these people up? Not sure how it works.
Thanks for reading and responding
and also GOBabyJesus(Boss) , if I ever have the displeasure of meeting you in RL you better know a good dentist. /rant