» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:41 pm
I prefer larger expansion packs personally. While I agree with Freeman76 that Skyrim is one of the best game world's ever created so far, I would prefer if Bethesda didn't pack too much more into the main world (I don't personally like maps that are too crowed). Personally, I would like Bethesda to consider expanding the land to different areas of Tamriel instead of another kind of "portal" to some sort of daedric / supernatural world (which are cool though)...
In the SouthEast of the map there is a possibility of a doorway to Morrowind or Cyrodiil... Biggest con are both maps would be fairly large and might exceed the scope of a expansion... But to the NorthEast they could render High Rock (even Hammerfell, but that one might be a little too big too). Overall though, I would be most excited to see Morrowind (for nostalgia) rendered.