But when i got Vigilance all it does is bark it is so damn annoying. I go in a inn to find some quests and relax, and all I hear is that damn dog barking! It is so annoying. I even tell it to stay and from a huge distance it still barks. Are other dogs like this or is it just Vigilance?
Every dog. I got sick of mine but didnt have the balls to put him down so I took him to the backwards flying dragon and ran away, hes probably still chasing him
Every dog. I got sick of mine but didnt have the balls to put him down so I took him to the backwards flying dragon and ran away, hes probably still chasing him
Lydia is bad enough, always standing in the doorway i'm trying to walk through, with a dumb look on her face (bump into her, she says "Huh?")...at least she doesn't bark all the time.
Lydia is bad enough, always standing in the doorway i'm trying to walk through, with a dumb look on her face (bump into her, she says "Huh?")...at least she doesn't bark all the time.
All you need is a Pip Boy and you'll have your Fallout with Swords complete!
Hmmm.....u know, that would make for an intersting mod lol...except it would have to be like a dwarven bracer. it would basically replace the item+map+magic+level up menu and it wouldn't have a digital screen like the pip boy of course but rather would have a large magical gemstone that shimmered images to the surface of it. You could use it as a weapon that shoots out this magical light pillar and also to open a portal which could teleport you out of a cave to the nearest town but you have to charge it with soul gems lol. I'd call it the Bracer of Awe.. Sh*t!...im gonna take this idea to the mod request section....sweetness
Can you really tell a dog to wait at the house? I told Vigilance to wait near the stables , and when i visited those stables week later, he wasn't my dog anymore