so you dont like rune spells or even those stream spells? how about the wide area spells that you cast around yourself that do not damage you but instead damage your foes and need i even mention how great wards are for spellswords and mages? none of these would have been possible with spell making which in all seriousness i could compare to a a set of comfortable shackles with inlaid gems. sure it looks great and feels great to but in the end they are shackles. im glad we found the key sure some of us such as yourself will miss those pretty comfy shackles and want them back but in the end you must realize they where only holding magic back.
Runes that do low damage so you are better off not casting them? The stream spells don't really do it for me. Area around self? I would just do a touch spell with a wide area, achieves the same thing. Can even be done with a ranged attack to get the same effect with more versatility. All the new features in magic would have been perfect for spell making regardless. The new runes and stream spells would have actually been great with spell making. Wards could have easily been ok in spell making as well. I don't get why people keep arguing against spell making. Unless people can find factual reasons behind it, we are not going to back down.
Shackles? If anything there on now, not then.