left shift

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:47 am

Perhaps a stupid question from me, in all fps when you hold the left shift button ont the keyboard, you run, in crysis 1, holding l-shift as the same effect and only when you activate the speed module of the nanosuit it drains the naosuit energy, so we were able to always run and when our energy allows it, we were able to run faster.

In crysis 2 the l-shift is like the speed module in crysis 1, but i think this aspect of the nano suit hasn't been done like it should have been.

Do someone has any informations about crytek patching this aspect of the nanosuit ?

Sorry for my bad english.

PS : Sorry if that question as already been asked, but my search about that aspect of the naosuit ine the forum doesn't match anything for me.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:18 am

these are the new crysis 2 nanosuit functions .. left shift is now sprinting like you were in crysis 1 with max. speed.
normal jump is tabbing the jump button and superjump isnt the normal jump button with max. strength, its now shortcutted to a long press of the spacebar. same with superthrow and punch :D
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Eve Booker
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