Combining Backpack mods

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:58 pm

I saw a similar post like this but I'm not sure it got fully addressed. I am very fond of the mod by Comit. It adds a backpack to all quivers so you can wear a backpack without taking up a clothing slot. My only problem is, he chose to make the backpacks flat to avoid clipping with the quivers and weapons. As a result, the packs are flat and clip badly with cloaks. I want to replace the backpack portion of his mod, with the backpacks from by kuertee, but retain the complete functionality of Comit's mod. I don't mind the quiver and weapons clipping underneath the pack. I'm hoping the backpack will be thick enough that the cloaks will look alright as well.

My question is, how hard would doing something like this be? I don't think I can just use the CS to point to a different mesh. I think I'd have to use Nifskope, right? The backpacks from Inventory is a Backpack all use the amulet or tail slot (I think) to equip, whereas the backpacks from Backpacks use the quiver and are joined with the actual quivers. Can I just edit those meshes and add the other packs?

Hope this makes sense. The only downside I can see to doing this and using the quiver slot for the backpack, is that it will disappear every time I mount a horse.

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Sharra Llenos
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