There is a website where I frequently visit. It's general gaming community website.
Weird thing is the bulletin boards, some of new threads are talking about the games and in game save point and progression of mine.
I.e. I purchased alice the madness returns then all of the sudden threads about alice madness returns comes up and what's more horrible is it's exactly talking about the level I last saved on my hard drive.
I know there is DEFINITELY a way to bypass my comodo firewall and defensewall (russian virtual sandbox app isolatiing security app ; and defensewall tells me the browser firefox is accessing the steam folder; I made set up that isolates firefox (as it's not secure to browse with all the mal codes, hacks around internet )
Plus, not only alice incident alone, there are some other threads talking about exactly what games I am playing, and all these suspiciously weird (imagine neighbor suddenly talk about the exact item you purchased online yesterday all of the sudden, he's possible hacker, and I know it's pretty possible though I am not that knowledgeable about codes / loopholes of windows)
I don't have any pirated software installed in my pc and use sandbox, defensewall to virtually isolate every browser that connect to web, and plugged every stupid backdoor I read on web that open up windows and writes windows/ app use history for stupid normal pc user.
Anyway, I know it's completely possible but can anyone tell me how to plug this god damn loopholes in windows or firefox or whatever app that I might have that cause these very suspicious problem?
I know there are some knowledgeble modders might be here, they might well know about these script kiddie apps.
Help needed thanks.