Skyrim has offered us a new revolutionary class/build!

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:21 am

Very amusing.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:01 am

Thanks guys for the complements! I just thought about the general concept of a pimp, and then thought about all the ways game can sort of work into fitting the mold. Took a a good 10-15 minutes of thinking and brainstorming. :D
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:04 am

So I got down to thinking, what could be a hilarious build to create that is just for a laugh and not really serious about the combat. And then it struck me ... the new class for Skyrim is ... /drumroll ...... The Pimp!

Class: Pimp

Race: Any

Skills: Smithing ( To create your pimpalicious gold jewelry ) (I know it doesn't require perks but go with it )

Speech ( Every Pimp has to be a smooth talker to sway the customers and bribe the guards in case he gets busted )

Conjuration ( Where else are you going to get your lovely ladies ( or guys if your a woman RPing the Pimp or if that's what you prefer )

Illusion ( For further swaying of needed customers and people alike )

Playstyle: Let's start with the basics, your Pimp MUST be dressed in the finest clothes available. Find or buy the sweetest, swaggerest, swankiest ( I think that means good? ) clothes possible, purple if you can find them. Second, your Pimp must be decked out in the finest jewelry available. Solid gold neckalaces and rings only ( jewels optional ) if you embed your gold with some gems, they must be flawless diamonds, Pimps settle for no less. Third, find yourself a golden staff ( your Pimp Cane of Doom ). All will waver at your solid gold cane of stature and might. And your not a true Pimp unless you have the cane. Fourth, conjuration at level 100 is a must have. Early Pimps may have to start of with only one "employee" that only stays in service for a few minutes at a time ... but the GrandMaster Pimps will always have two employees at their service that will never leave ( if you catch my conjuration drift, 3 if you add your companion to the mix ). Finally, proceed about the major cities, only the nice ones, common rabble like Falkreath should not deserve your time, and parade your employees about the town, showing what kind of goods their packing. If any customers attempt to harm your employees, you smack the with the cane and let them know their place! Always keep your employees safe and sound so they can stay under your employment! Lastly, your pray to none of the divines, you pray to the God of all Pimps, Slickback.

So let's recap on the Pimp. The must haves if you will. Fine clothes. Jewelry, your pimp cane, and of course, your lovely employees. Stay strong my fellow Pimps, and remember, always pray to Slickbacl, for he is our guide in our trying lifestyle, let his backhand give us strength!

Obviously this is a joke. But I thought it was pretty funny without being completely tasteless, some may think otherwise. Let me know what you guys think, if it was funny, if it svcked ect. Also, if you have any class/builds that you think are funny, let's here them!

OMG Now I REALLY have seen it all.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:11 am

Thanks guys for the complements! I just thought about the general concept of a pimp, and then thought about all the ways game can sort of work into fitting the mold. Took a a good 10-15 minutes of thinking and brainstorming. :D

I would tell you how silly it is and a waste of 15 minutes but I cant stop laughing my head off...

I guess this idea had to happen sooner or later. There is ALWAYS someone out there that will do something like this
which simply makes me go WHAAAATTTTT?

Do me a favour go tell your mother/father/grandparents you are playing a pimp in a fantasy computer game I need another laugh
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