» Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:00 am
I like options, and I like trying to see things from other points of view.
I don't like being told they're EVIL go wipe them out. sure they may turn out to be evil but i'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt. and who's to say my character isn't evil him or her self?
Using FO3 as an example: I blew the crap out of megaton. killed everyone in Bigtown. wiped out Underworld, Kiled 3-dog for talking crap about me, and Sold all of Rivet city in to slavery (oh and with mods: Wipeout little lamplight (Little bastards called me mungo for the last time)) but Lyons BOS welcome me with open arms? thats some Bull.
they just didn't give any options to the evil character for the end game. an Option to Storm the Citadel with Enclave troops, wipe out the BOS and take out Prime my self would have been peachy.
Hell even in FO1 you could Join the Master
I fly for the Empire, Not Palpatine's Empire, but Grand Admiral Thrawn's Empire. because he was trying to bring order back to the Galaxy.