Crazy Batou, the Maggot King, Pool of Forgetfulness, Wings of the Queen of Bats- These items all seem like they would have served a purpose during the games development, but then were taken out for one reason or another.
Crazy Batou and the Maggot King both had the "Thread of the Prophecy" warning, but serve no purpose. I can't even figure out how they would have tied into the morrowind main plot.
The Maggot King almost seems quest related, with the Scroll of Tyronius alerting the player to how powerful a necromancer he is, but it ends there. Perhaps he was supposed to be similar to the King of Worms? He also holds the bow of shadows, but was it supposed to be quest related? Also his cohort Luven, is he a traitor to Tyronius or an undead thrall? the note in question is here:
Secondly, Crazy Batou, who attacks on sight. How would he have tied into the main quest, or any quest for that matter? It seems more like a fighters guild quest to me than anything else.
Third is the Pool of Forgetfulness in Sharapli, east of Ghostgate. How could it tie into 6th house? what would they use it for? That too seems like it could have been an interesting quest, but was axed.
Finally, is the Wings of the Queen of Bats, a unique weapon that is only accessible via the construction set or console. Why would someone go through so much trouble of making it and not have it included or tucked away in some obscure quest or dungeon? It always reminds me of a winged twilight, for some reason. the axe can be seen here:
I understand that a lot of the fun of the game is mysteries like these, but if the developers did have an intended use for these characters and objects, I am very curious to know what their real purpose was. If anyone knows, or has any speculation, please discuss! Also, if you know of additional items and characters like this, please let me know!