Fighting for the Imperials

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:46 am

This isn't as much a Legion v Stormcloak thread but more of a in-depth look at the current state of the legion.

So form what I can tell they are puppets of the Thalmor, you often see the Thalmor advisors to the legion. If you are fighting for the legion are you really fighting for the Thalmor?

Heres my take... Although the Legion may be puppets they should not be abandoned. If you choose to side with the Stormcloaks then you will weaken the empire thus allowing the Thalmor to take the empire including Skyrim form the Stormcloaks at a later date. So you should help the Legion which will allow them to regroup and rebuild and it will also send a message to other provinces not to rebel. So in the long run the empire will be united and after a while of recruitment they will be ready to face the Thalmor once again.

I am of course trying to convince myself here... open to discussion...
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Wane Peters
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:33 am

I've completed the Stormcloak Campaign, I shan't give much away but I was definitely satisfied with Ulfric's plan to secure Skyrim from any future actions from the Thalmor. The Empire is weak, and impotent in the eyes of the Nords. Allowing the Thalmor to ban the Worship of Talos because they want to prove that Mer (All elven races) are superior to Men.

The Empire, and I've said this from the beginning, has been dying a slow death since the Oblivion Crisis. I always have believed that if Martin Septim had survived the Oblivion Crisis and carried on the Septim name, the Empire would have decimated the Thalmor during the great war, and there would have been no need for the Stormcloak uprising. The only reason there was an uprising, was because Ulfric saw the Empire as weak (because of the Thalmor) and unfit to rule Skyrim, and he believed Skyrim would fare better as an independent province.

Weather or not that holds remains to be seen

However, for the Empire's position, I do honestly believe that the Empire only agreed to the White-Gold Corncordat to buy time to regroup, gather strength, and then launch a retaliatory campaign against the Thalmor.

So I guess it all depends what you want to do, want to secure Skyrim against the Thalmor quickly, prehaps march on Cyrodiil and liberate it from the Thalmor? Join the Stormcloaks. Or if you want to bide your time and then when you have the strength, take the fight to the Thalmor? Join the Empire I guess.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:01 am

None of the provinces save Black Marsh could stand against the Aldmeri Dominion alone and that is only due to terrain advantage. Hammerfell did stand against the AD but this was only after its cyrodiilic army was completely smashed in the battle of the red ring so that shouldnt be taken as a basis for comparision. The empire as just Cyrodiil and Highrock will not be able to stand against the combined strength of Alinor, Valenwood, Anequina and Pelletine. And to think Skyrim would fair better on its own is a joke. Both powers are at a stand off having been wrecked and both are rebuilding their strength.

The best chance is for the empire is to crush the revolt, realign with Hammerfell and tell the AD to take a flying leap by sending it a cart load of Thalmor Justicar bodies adorned with Talos Amulets.

march on Cyrodiil and liberate it from the Thalmor?

Thalmor armies arnt in Cyrodiil
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