I once restarted an entire character in Morrowind because I found Mehrune's Razer as a rusty knife, picked it up, then dropped it somewhere else without realizing what it was until later. That's the kind of thing they don't want happening
1. thats kind of the reason it starts out as a rusty knife. so you dont know its actually an artifact of doom; in fact thats the defense mechanism dagon used to keep anyone but his champion from getting it; if it looks like a worthless knife, people are just going to throw it away. it could drift across the world for centuries and be in the hands of a thousand people, and no one would use it. if it was a quest item you would immediately know that something was up.
2. i wasnt saying that was ideal, but that beth should just structure quests in a way that precludes you accidentally getting a quest item, and telling you that its important and you shouldnt drop it in a river or something, instead of letting you get quest items at random then superglue-ing them to my inventory. all it takes is some "requires key" messaging or just not spawning at item until you need it, which they already do in some quests.
3. why would you restart a character just for mehrune's razor? its not THAT good. you also learned not to judge a book by its cover, so not a total loss id say :spotted owl: .