I bought the game not long after release but decided to wait for patch 1.2 before starting a game on it. Been looking forward to today since it was announced thats when the patch was coming out for 360. Turns out tho after reading the forums that the patch creates the magic resistance bug which sounds like abit of a big deal
Although i tend to use some magic with characters in Elder Scroll and other RPG style games, i do tend to play with combat style characters the most, so im unsure how much this new bug will effect me. So now im left with the dilemma of to wait a few more week for some new patch that hopefully sorts it out, or just start a game now and live with it?
I bought the game 3 days ago and have played 40 hours...I have had NO major problems with the game...Ive made a warrior She was going to be a dual wield warrior rogue combo but ended up being so successful with 2H weapons and joining the Companions Order that thats how Im playing her now she has developed her own mind lol
PLUS Shes a Breton hahaha so she was meant to be a caster.
I found 1 or 2 minor quest glitches but I followed the instructions which...mainly say...1. save and close game and log in again and it shall be fixed (this works)
Or I sleep/do another quest somewhere else and the missing NPC turns up soon enough
HONESTLY Go for it now but JUST make one character for now and consider this your learning character. As patches get installed and the modding community makes an avalanche of mods...you can make more characters
Join a faction, do some quests, do some crafting, do some dungeons, explore....do a bit of it all.