» Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:41 am
Level increase but all other stats remain same with exception of few followers who scale with player. It is probably bug. Given experience with similar problem in Fallout, do not expect it to be fixed soon.
If you are on PC, dismiss your follower, then enter console, click on him (so console displays his ID) and type "disable". Exit console and follower should disappear. Open console again and type "enable". Follower will appear. Tell him to follow you again. His stats will be scaled properly. This works for me.
There is problem that each time you dismiss/rehire follower, his default equipment (which you can not see) is duplicated. If his default equipment is set of steel armour, he will quickly run out of caring capacity.
You can use console command "removeallitems" on follower to get rid of his inventory (do not forget to take away normal items you gave him, else you will loose them. Only hidden default equipment is duplicated).
For those without PC and benefit of console, all Thief quild followers are reported to scale properly.