I need some mods that GREATLY increases the FPS

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:32 am

Here's a few you can remove,

No Lights Flicker - Use the Wrye Bash tweak instead
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp - As above Wrye Bash equivalent tweak does the same as this esp (this esp is installed as part of the UOP, UOP you still need obviously, but this extra esp is now redundant)

I notice also you have a Real Lights dependancy - All Natural is heavy on anyone's machine if you use the Real Lights component. Most people will use real lights at the expense of a few FPS, but in your case I would suggest its a heavy hitter. The rest of All Natural can be used ofc.

You have an awful lot of armours installed too - First the one in the spoiler above; I have never used UFF but do you use that body type?, should it have its own esp?, and if you are using the Robert Male Armour (RM) you do not have any version of the RobertMale esps installed.

Will you really use all of those armours?, or are you just a natural squirrel hording armours like nuts :)

I would just go through it and think "Am I ever likely to use this mod". On my laptop I usually have between 100 - 130 mods, after Wrye Bash imports/merges and ghosting it cuts down to between 80 - 95.

Texture mem usage and also the amount of mesh models any mod introduce is then closely monitored for every mod I add (I did the BAIN for RobertMaleV5 but couldn't use it with its 2048 sized textures on my laptop with only 256mb graphics mem - Hence why I made all the reduced 1024 options so I could use it too :)). Body and Armour mods, times by the amount of NPC's wandering about wearing them if its Stock Clothing and Armour can be a surprising heavy hitter too in places.

I keep telling myself to take out vampire age fix and the face fix, but I never get around to it. And I don't have all natural checked anymore. The All Natural Real Light was the first All Natural esp I checked off after I realized it negated my no flickering lights esp.

As for UFF, I'm assuming you're referring to the assassin armor. I don't have Robert's male body installed. And for all the armors and weapons I have, I don't know if I'll use it all lol. At least my thief character won't. I might end up using them, so who knows?
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:31 pm

Couple more tips I forgot ...

Quiet feet mod - Also not needed with Wrye Bash http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2090270Untitled.jpg

and not usually recommended, but on older machines sound can have a big impact, turn off music and reduce the amount of sound channels used ...

Oblivion.ini (the one in your documents\My Games\Oblivion\ folder - NOT Oblivion_Default.ini in the games installation folder)

bMusicEnabled=0 - 1 is default, 0 turns off all music.. I actually prefer this even without any performance issues, you can hear the birds and you dont have an orchestra following you around RL.

the next one can cause problems depending on how low you go (which is why its not usually recommended) ...

iMaxImpactSoundCount=32 (32 was the default on my laptop - Try 24 or 16 at a push, I wouldn't go down to 8 though)

Edit: Just seen your post - Re; All Natural, do you still have All Natural RL - DLC Patch.esp in your load order? (in the OP its listed but ignore me if since removed :))
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:27 am

Couple more tips I forgot ...

Quiet feet mod - Also not needed with Wrye Bash http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2090270Untitled.jpg

and not usually recommended, but on older machines sound can have a big impact, turn off music and reduce the amount of sound channels used ...

Oblivion.ini (the one in your documents\My Games\Oblivion\ folder - NOT Oblivion_Default.ini in the games installation folder)

bMusicEnabled=0 - 1 is default, 0 turns off all music.. I actually prefer this even without any performance issues, you can hear the birds and you dont have an orchestra following you around RL.

the next one can cause problems depending on how low you go (which is why its not usually recommended) ...

iMaxImpactSoundCount=32 (32 was the default on my laptop - Try 24 or 16 at a push, I wouldn't go down to 8 though)

Yeah, I am using the quiet feet tweak in the bashed pack, not the actual mod. I should have mentioned that. And I had the music turned off before through the ini for that very reason in case it helped my performance, that and because I found the music to be repetitive. But it's back on now, and I'm using the extra mp3 music pack that adds a bunch of nice music to the game. I never noticed any difference in performance when I had the music off though.

I'll have to try out the imaximpacksoundcount.
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:35 am

If you are using UOP Supplementals http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27710

You dont need ...

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp

It wont help with your overall problem of performance but un-necessary all the same. Good luck with any more tweaking you do from all the suggestions made so far by everyone, it can be awkward getting the perfect balance for your machine, but really only your own knowledge/experience/system understanding gained can perfect it ;)

Has Tomlongs TESCosi site been mentioned? - http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion#Stabilization_and_Optimization
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:48 pm

If you are using UOP Supplementals http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27710

You dont need ...

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp

It wont help with your overall problem of performance but un-necessary all the same. Good luck with any more tweaking you do from all the suggestions made so far by everyone, it can be awkward getting the perfect balance for your machine, but really only your own knowledge/experience/system understanding gained can perfect it ;)

Has Tomlongs TESCosi site been mentioned? - http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion#Stabilization_and_Optimization

Thanks, I'll uncheck it now.

And that site was mentioned on the first page. I have yet to look through all of it though.

How much of an impact does Real Swords (I have all of them), Armamen Complete, and Artifact have on performance? I know Armamen and Artifacts are over like 300mb each.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:34 pm

ehm, no clue, dont use them, someone else might jump in with experiences though.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:06 am

I typed in showdebugtext 13, and it was showing me a list of a bunch of things. One of the things I noticed when entering an area with NPCs was tokens being added into their inventories and Real Weapons of course. Maybe that's causing lag too. If only I knew what was adding in those tokens.
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clelia vega
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:29 am

More than likely an OBSE plugin (plugin as in esp) - Duke Patricks mods?

I use his Combat Archery (which now incorporates his old Actors can Miss), along with Saebels Sneaking Detection Recallibrated.

Before Saebel worked on optimising SDR (Duke Patrick will not optimise his mods because he wants the scripting to read better for his own programming understanding when it comes to problem solving), the combination of OBSE mods throwing tokens at NPCs all over the place did result in noticeable FPS reduction so yes it can be a cause .. However I dont think you are using either of these. And the new SDR has ini options to greatly reduce its performance impact.
SM Combat Hide? - I dont use
SnipersneakSkillup? - I dont use

Duke Patricks other mods do use tokens in many ingenious ways, I notice you have Near miss magic and arrows, and the old Actors can miss, but on their own I dont think they are an fps reducer (I used to run those along with an older version of Combat Archery - On my old laptop a few years ago ... AMD Athlon 3500 (single core), NVidia GForce 5 series mobile graphics card with only 128mb graphics mem, IDE HD and only 1gb ram - Streamline and OSR (after lots of research/experimentation and tweaking in the ini department of both of those for my machine) kept that old dog running smooth).

I still have the feeling and agree with other comments here though you have just too much installed for your machine's capabilities combined with what is a clunky game engine.

Your best approach (also mentioned previously) start from scratch and introduce mods until you find the killer, one by one. You could do the reverse and take the binary approach (50% of your mods - un-install, if good result only re-install half of the ones un-installed, bad result, un-install those and install the half you didnt last time, good result, half the problem mods and install those etc etc)

Problem with that is ... Dont forget Duke Patricks mods will also require clean save routines.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:51 pm

The only Duke Patrick mod I have is the one where NPCs can now miss. I don't have SDR checked anymore (though now I can start seeing why SDR is necessary with my high level thief), but even if I did have it checked, I configured the SDR ini file where my main character is the only actor who gets a token.

So to test out whether or not the Duke Patrick mod is adding in the tokens, I have to do a clean save? Because I just unchecked it, and the NPCs still gets the token.
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