» Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:05 am
Bard's College ... 1 quest ... i was shocked .
Since Bethesda have no "real" competitor , they could afford to streamline , "consolize" the game without any negative consequence on the sales figures , since from an action-adventure point of view, Skyrim is still awesome as is and no other fantasy game comes close currently .
Why work more and delay the release of the game (which costs money ) in order to put more roleplaying content to please the hardcoe gamers , when you are guaranteed to sell millions copies in a week with the game as is . Had they polished more the non eye-candy aspects of the game , like game mechanics , more unique quests , the interface , more objects , larger cities etc ... , the sales figures would not have changed much ..
For them the game was good enough to be released , for us we can only hope that Bethesda and other developpers will raise the standard in the next years ... don't get me wrong , i still love Skyrim for what it is , but i also feel it could have been so much better had they spent far more work in it on the RPG aspect .
But the industry is what it is , look at Modern Warfare Call of duty series , a game every year , release on all platforms , extremely short ( 5-6 hours single play er.. ) , base everything on visuals/graphics and action fast arcade gameplay so that trailers look awesome and people get good at it within a few hours , a few multi maps , and let's roll ... they made millions of dollars with it , currently that's the succesful model ... if you transpose it to the RPG market , that means you cut the RPG content to a "just good enough" level , you put most of your efforts on graphics and action , you make the game mechanics less complex , fatster leveling and easier gameplay , a few towns , and let's roll ... i am exagerating on purpose but there is a bit of truth in all that .... It's just the way the industry is , maybe when some Chinese devs or small ambitious teams from eastern Europe will come up with a game that will set a new standard in term of content , both quality and quantity wise , then the other devs in the market will surely be forced to raise the bar on that aspect if they want to stay on top .