Now my first character I maxed out my smithing... I didn't quite exploit it like some have... I would go on hunting trips and smith some bracers or daggers... A few levels hear and there till it was maxed. I also had enchanting pretty high, but not maxed. Well the game seemed to be at a modderate difficulty... But a little harder then not. But I made it threw the story along with a few side quests. It was a little of getting the feeling of the game.
Now my second character I desided to do a strict stealth archer build. So I only have archery and sneaking leveling. A few other skills like lock pick and such... Anyway, this round I don't feel really any more powerful... The gameplay seems again, moderate difficulty, but maybe eaiser then not. Perhaps because I know what to look for..
So to the point, I feel that if you have a good balance of what your end character should be, then I think everything should be pretty smooth...
Let me know what you guys think!