so apparently this new character named Ricky is a sure hilarious one you can kick out of the expedition, who thought talking to him was a blast? I mean first he says he's all that, telling me to eff off (im pretty sure hes a raider >.>) then theirs the fact he has a pip-boy (broken XD) and then when i tell him to leave he says about an ambush....I THINK...just THINK...he is a raider >.>
I can't play it (PS3 user who doesn't have PSN), is he the guy with the Vault suit I see in the videos? What Vault is that guy from btw?
heres the funny part...NONE AT ALL!! lol he SAYS he picked up that vault 22 suit from a dead propector (which is where he found the pip-boy as well) I thought PSN was back on D: and also im really starting to think hes just a raider spy or some crap >.>