Can Markarth be destroyed?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:20 pm

Ok, this has been bugging me for a while. I did the quests to free the guys from prison.

Not a problem.

I did the quest for the abandoned house.

No problem.

Just finished the Dwemer museum.


I seem to have ticked off some guards. They come to arrest me. I have all the options(basically greyed out). The bribe, the submit, here is my fine, the take me to jail, and the never take me alive coppers.

The problem is that NONE of them work. I try to bribe, and they aren't having it. I try to submit, and they tell me I will never escape the mines, then it kicks me back to the original options.

So can I just tell them they will never take me alive and just blast the hell out of the entire village. Or will the guards just keep spawning
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Jack Walker
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:35 am

No one has this happened to them yet
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Becky Cox
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:54 pm

No one has this happened to them yet

If you're playing on PC:
1. Travel to just outside of Markarth.
2. When you see a guard approach, hit the tilde, or ยง key.(It's different for different countries. Google it).
3. Click on one of the guards so that his ID is displayed. It's just a bunch of numbers, you'll know what I mean.
4. Type "paycrimegold", in the console.

You'll lose some gold, but trust me. It's worth it:)
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