I installed the Weather - All Natural mod earilier in the game. I didn't really explore any cities/towns except the Imperial City and Bruma, but I didn't notice any giant yellow stars indicating missing meshes. I also chose to use the Real Lights addition included in the mod. The last mod I added was Better Cities (the full version) and the resources it needs to run properly. As I entered Skingrad (the first town I entered since adding BC), I noticed a bunch of missing meshes (see screenshot), some of them floating in mid-air. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the BC Permanant Resources OMOD but this didn't work. I initially had my OBMM archive invalidation set to BSA redirection then switched to the BSA alteration option and checked off all options. I still see missing meshes. My only guess is that maybe installing BC AFTER Real Lights has caused some meshes to disappear, but i'm not quite sure. I have installed BC in previous games with no problems. I'm sure it's a simple fix. Does anyone know what could be causing this and how to fix it?
Screenshot: http://i43.tinypic.com/o7r6tj.jpg
Not to mention in Skingrad at least, there seem to be doors where there's no buildings and plants floating in the air: http://i39.tinypic.com/oqyt21.jpg
I've since uninstalled Better Cities. Maybe it just takes a reinstall and everything will be fine. I'll wait to see if I get any suggestions on what the problem could have been.