It makes no sense how I can upgrade/fine tune other unique and magical weapons I have yet I can't do anything with wuuthrad....this is another one of those things that really pisses me off with this game. I waste time trying to do things then get denied what I'm trying to do...
1st I create this sweet looking high elf with hopes of creating a powerful destruction mage so I only lvl up magicka and destruction perks which I have no problem with til lvl 25 or so then I realize that destruction damage is the same at lvl 1..i try to compensate by hard earning a staff of fireballs off a dragon priest with dragon fight only to find that the staff is only good for a pretty walking stick or ornament on the wall. Spell crafting was removed so I can't even create my own spells :brokencomputer:
So then I stop using my mage and create a badass barbarian nord with hopes of only using 2h battle axes...I seek out a unique battle axe for my character and find only wuuthrad which I'm already disappointed is weaker then alot of other battle axes but I still take it anyway figuring that once I get my smithing up, I can sharpen it up a bit...wrong again
I'm so disappointed with all these disappointments in this game, it's a shame because I really like skyrim but I'm starting to like it less and was the 1st day I removed it from my xbox since purchase