But I figured I'd add to the stack and ask how many people would have liked to have seen
a page in the menu devoted to listing your standings with factions and even cities(perhaps people individuals people as well)
I know "Oblivion" had it where it would show ranks but seeing as "Skyrim" doesn't have ranks for factions (something that bothers me still)I would at least like to see who hates and loves me since there does seem to be some sort of moral meter.
And while I'm at it I might as well ask does anyone find it frustrating that it's impossible to tell what a creature's level is compared to yours until you attack?
(don't even suggest names serve this purpose it really doesn't, my personal opinion should made armors have certain charistics for higher level NPCs as for animals/undead :shrug: )
you can now commence flaming :swear: I'm just using the forums as intended.