Lack of Spells

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:08 am

Earth could be related to mass and gravity, which black hole have alot of...

They need soul magic. Like you use souls from soul gems or something...

soul is enchanting, earth will not be able to make a black hole, it sinks continents by my theory though (its what i believe happen to yakuda, untill i found evidence suggesting otherwise of course)
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:33 am

Water can be used to hold people in water prisons, push them away from you, boil their skin, bloat them, and with a perk, could make you use Blood Magic.

Wind can be used to push, cut, summon a tornado, etc.

Earth can cause Earthquakes, shatter armor, manipulate gravity, and throw boulders.

If Bethesda cannot think of ways to use the other elements other than Fire, Ice, and Shock, they need to higher more creative people.

And I didn't create this profile just to complain, I just haven't had a reason to post on the forums, too busy playing, so stop assuming things.

i completely agree with you on their need for more spells and you have the perfect suggestions. PLEASE BETHESDA, add these new destruction spells
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:22 pm

I love summoning a flaming suicide wolf
It is in high gate ruins

Agreed, awesome spell.

Now just if it wasn't useless for most of the game. Seriously each spell should have scaled or had multiple ranks.

The next TES game there will be one spell for damage, one for defence and one for healing. Having too many spells is just far too confusing

We have the effects in the game, we just need the Creation kit now :(
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:28 pm

I wouldn't mind the lack of spells *as* much if they properly scaled. As it is it feels like they had ambitions and abandoned them in the end. There should be flamethrower/projectile/cloak/rune/etc destruction spells of each tier or they should scale with you. As it is most definitely is disappointing. It doesn't help that there are so few spell effects in comparison this time, but that's not as serious an issue to me as a total lack of spell scaling.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:21 am

About the spells went into shouts thing:

1. This is another reason why playing mages is underwhelming vs melee/archer
2. Long cooldowns limit the usefulness of shouts in combat, although the utility is nice sometimes
3. There are 2 shouts helping the physical damage guys only

So while I welcome the shouts as a somewhat original idea, it's no excuse for the lack of spells. So many things coulda been done with a little bit of creativity...

This would be an amazing idea, id love to see this after some work with the creation engine. Main reason i can see Bethesda holding back on spell combining is that it would probably clash with the dual casting. For example, how would you be able to put spells togother of opposing nature and effects, maybe a calm and fear spell at the same time? However if mages had some sought of ability to combine spells and elements for a bigger effect, rather than bigger numbers and mana cost, at the cost of longer cast or charge up times on dual cast, then that may make up for the lack in creativity with spells in Skyrim.
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An Lor
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:37 pm

Personally I'd rather look at shiny explosions and flamethrower spells rather than Oblivion's destruction spells which ALL looked the same. EVERY single fire spell in oblivion was just a small little orange ball, even the best fire spell in the game. Same with Frost and Shock, they all looked the same. Although, it is kinda stupid they took out a bunch of alteration, conjuration, and illusion spells.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:27 am

Personally I'd rather look at shiny explosions and flamethrower spells rather than Oblivion's destruction spells which ALL looked the same. EVERY single fire spell in oblivion was just a small little orange ball, even the best fire spell in the game. Same with Frost and Shock, they all looked the same. Although, it is kinda stupid they took out a bunch of alteration, conjuration, and illusion spells.

The graphics are nice, but it doesn't change the fact that magic scales horribly with the player.

Dual casting only increases damage by a mere 20%.

I feel bad for console bros who can't use mods like Improved Magics, so that dual casting deals 80% more damage, as opposed to 20% more. (Because dual casting drains mana 80% faster than single casting, you do less DPS Dual casting in Vanilla, then single casting)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:15 pm

I was so disappointing by Conjuration that I stopped training it shortly after playing, A skill I always used to train to 100 in both Morrowind and Oblivion. It is ridiculous that they removed so many spells. I don't understand why they want their world of Fantasy and Magic to lose it's magic. It seems like it is in the lore that Magic is fading from Tamriel, even in the Infernal City they barely have any spells. I mean does Illusion even have an invisibility spell anymore?
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:05 pm

I mean does Illusion even have an invisibility spell anymore?

It does, far into into illusion, however your still as clear as day while invisible unless you have a decently high sneak and have a few perks in it.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:23 pm

Nah. Most of it is by design, which is even worse IMO. Most old spelleffects are still in the game, but only as enchantments, potion effects, shouts and guardian stones. They deliberately crippled mages to make every skill more "unique". Ironically, that removed a lot of options.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:20 pm

you could mod it so healing spells (cast on target,would be awsome in the mod!) hurts undead (you know, cause revive kills undead :teehee: )

I could add a 'if undead' condition with some sort of firery/instadeath conclusion....hopefully that be the easiest part lol
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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:07 am

I could add a 'if undead' condition with some sort of firery/instadeath conclusion....hopefully that be the easiest part lol

i like firery, fire is awsome :tongue: :flamed: i think checking for undead would be pretty simple to add since it is already in (isnt it? for spells that demoraliaze/hurt undead), anyway, this magic mod i would like, maybe bethesda should get their ideas from you :tongue:
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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:17 am

Nothing beats spellcrafting. Combining spells and improving them was the best thing since sliced bread. It's literally like smithing for magic users.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:59 pm

Nothing beats spellcrafting. Combining spells and improving them was the best thing since sliced bread. It's literally like smithing for magic users.

Too bad we'll have to wait till Spring for it to be modded in.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:43 am

The magic system is lame. Some neat effects with zero substance. It is very sad that gamesas would do this to their game. There is so much potential to what they created....yet, like character development, they seem to have settled on the dumbest possible derivation of spell casting... :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:04 pm

There are a lot of spells, like Telekinesis, that can only be found in certain caves, dungeons, etc. Telekinesis can only be found in Labyrinthian. Same with Equilibrium. However, telekinesis isn't a new spell.

Telekinesis really??? I assumed it was removed
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Chloe :)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:07 am

There are more original spells this time though, in the last game where where only 5 ranks of touch and shoot spells, now theres like spray, shoot, wall, storm, chain, area, circle, and all sorts of other effects, if anything there are more spells then before, just less ranks of them, no ranks in fact, cause every rank of each spell is a completely new spell that does something different, the magic system has greatly improved, it has a lot more utility to them now.

This also explains why we weren't able to make our own spells this time, cause they gotten so complicated and unique its not really possible to change their effects with a slider bar or value.
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