Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:54 pm

Hello everybody

I just want to say that I play Skyrim on my Xbox (arcade model, no hdmi and 20GB harddrive)
and i have only seen a very few bugs and glitches, nothing game breaking !!

This game is very good and i really dont understand all theese complaints about it, just want to let Bethesda know this:

Thank for making such an incredible game, it really lets you slide into a different world, where you can lay away everyday problems and just do whatever you want, this game makes me relax 100% and i really enjoy playing it for hours, when i read the forums of this game, its all about fix this patch that and so on, and i really dont understand it, i have experienced very little bugs and glitches, i am level 42, archer/mage nord and have been playing for about 90 hours.

So again thank you for this fantastic game and i look forward to expansion packs and several hours of relaxing and exciting game playing !!!!

Thanks to the entire bethesda crew !!
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