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Woah, I didn't know Copyright was already protecting everything I ever create that strictly without me enforcing it! Thanks for this link, Arthmoor. Now I feel much safer releasing my creations in public for no monetary value gained.
I always thought I don't really care what other people are doing with the stuff I released, but lately my mood has changed and as such also have my feelings towards this matter.
I want to keep up sharing for free by all means, but I don't want to give up any of my rights in the process. My creations are mine. Do with them whatever you please, but they stay mine.
I was never asking for credits, nor did I even require being asked for permission. All I asked for was being notified, if someone used my stuff in an own mod.
By now though it happened a little too often that I found my stuff used in mods the owners of which claimed it was all their's for me to still not care any longer. Apparently only asking for notification was too much already.
Luckily those mods vanished from the scenes pretty quickly, as I wasn't the only victim of this theft, so I didn't have to care about it too much. Still it made me reconsider my sharing policy already.
Fortunately my creations are always far too complex or unfinished to ever get used in a compilation, although I likely won't say "no" to their inclusion when asked. Heck, when did I ever say "no" when asked?!
Still I'm convinced (as if a couple dozen topics about the matter with always the same answers and always the same outcome repeatedly popping up over 3 years of Oblivion modding won't have been enough already to convince someone) compilations like these will just fail in Oblivion, don't get me wrong. It might sound easy to have a comfortable "1-click install" for a multitude of diverse mods made working together flawlessly and without any conflicts with each other, yet as soon as the user adds 1 single mod more to the collection his Oblivion is "fried". But I'm for sure the last one crying, if I'm proven wrong about this. I just know too much about how this engine works and from countless community reactions over time to ever see this coming. :angel: