I have found boots throughout my questing and found that there are some boots that add +better sneak % and some that add +muffled footsteps. What's better? I understand the difference as sneaking is the overall skill of sneaking but muffled footsteps governs only the noise created while sneaking from your boots. I would assume that having a better sneak % is best but I need your input. Thank you in advance!
muffle is better. if you can disenchant it, do so and I believe with the enchanting perk you can put both on your boots. just don't get too much+ sneak as it seems to bug out and make you easier to detect.
See but I am playing differently this time around. I am not really into enchanting with this character or smithing. I already went that route with another character and yeah it made things very easy. I am exploring different perk trees this time