Being overpowered

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:11 pm

Lol, people love saying that overpowered players are "exploiting" the perks. It's not exploiting anything. It was just done poorly. Most games, at the end, you are most likely overpowered but you can't get to level until the end of the game. Skyrim, all you need to do is max Smithing and Enchanting and you'll own everything. Don't defend it by saying it's "exploiting." Exploiting would be finding a certain spot in the game where you can drop items and pick them up and they double which results in you being rich. This is how they made the game and it was a poor decision.

If you think grinding iron daggers all the way to master is perfectly fine..more power to's a single player game and all. Far as being done poorly, I highly doubt a Beth quality tester is gonna sit around the forge all day and grind iron daggers to max, they have far higher priorities when playtesting for bugs.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:40 pm

Just maxing out smithing and enchanting to 100 isn't an exploit even though it is overpowered.

Using a combination of +smithing enchantments and +smithing potions to make items with values the game isn't even built to handle IS an exploit.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:16 am

The game is very easy to beat because developers messed up. Spare me of this 'Skyrim is what you make of it' BS, please. I still like the game but I had to delete 2 characters already as I unintentionally picked combination of perks that took away all the challenge.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:09 pm

Well you always find your Master. My character is pretty strong, Bandits, Drougr Lords , Dragons and such things are no problem. But that Dwemer Zenturio Master was a hard fight. He will kill you in one, if you have some luck 2 hits.

where can i find that Dwemer Zenturio Master?
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:09 am

No problem at all...until you come back on the forums and complain about how easy Skurim is and how boring it is since you rushed it.

i'm taking my time and playing with no tricks...i have complaints about doing magic right like many ppl here ;)
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Nicole M
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:53 am

The game is very easy to beat because developers messed up. Spare me of this 'Skyrim is what you make of it' BS, please. I still like the game but I had to delete 2 characters already as I unintentionally picked combination of perks that took away all the challenge.

^ This.

I also had to erase a character because both RP and logic made me go with smithing on my Orc warrior. Little did I know, If I used the mats I collected on my dungeon crawls and leveled the skill by level 30, I end up completely overpowered. Did I craft Iron daggers? Yes. Is there a metric ton of Iron nodes (3 ore each) in the game? Yes. The game gives you tools, but punishes you for using them, and somehow it is our fault for not researching how NOT to play. Is this a bad joke or are you people really so close to Bethesda's ass that your breath is starting to smell like [censored]?

My second toon is a conjurer/archer, as I wanted to get as far away as possible from melee and from destruction (another broken element). Result? At level 38 I am currently god on earth and absolutely nothing can even touch me (literally). This is not fun.

Yeah, I can always gimp myself to keep the challenge, say by not using summons, or not taking perks in archery. Thats not something that is enjoyable to me. A challenge I created myself through the imposition of handicaps is hardly fun to overcome when I have to do so by not actually trying.

I play to find interesting and challenging gameplay, not to explore grapical worlds. Unfortunatly, it seems to me after 100+ hours that Skyrim offers none past level 30.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:44 am

I don't think most people atr upset about the fact that you can become very powerful, but rather that it takes very little to achieve it. If it took 100 hours, days of planning and several hard, long quest-lines no one would complain since then people woul hae deserved it if they got it. Simply exploiting the crafting is too easy.

This. Becoming "overpowered" in this game does not require much effort, and so in the end doesn't feel much like any kind of accomplishment. Much of it has to do with terrible AI though.

Oh, and you don't have to do any of the crafting exploits to become "overpowered" either, and about the only enemies that are even an issue are dragons (they aren't really hard), Priests and cheating Mages.

@Stonedsoul; lol. That's exactly how my characters all progressed too, although my very first was a "Destruction" Mage that did not use Illusion or Conjuration. Then I decided that if I was going to be forced to play like a Warrior that I may as well be a Warrior. Then I learned how broken the crafting skills were, and this was just with Smithing by itself (was playing on Adept, then had to turn it up to Expert, then again to Master). Then I moved on to Conj/Archery and became god mode in my mid 30's as well.

Alteration is totally broken by the time you hit your 30's as well. Up until that point it's rather slow an annoying, and you're basically just playing a Warrior that casts a skin spell during each fight, but once you have access to Paralyze/Mass Paralyze the game is an utter joke. You can also hit the resist and physical cap from that school alone.
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brenden casey
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:30 am

The game is very easy to beat because developers messed up. Spare me of this 'Skyrim is what you make of it' BS, please. I still like the game but I had to delete 2 characters already as I unintentionally picked combination of perks that took away all the challenge.

I had to revert saves on 2 characters because of this :( Didn't totally delete them tho.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:20 pm

Bethesda's stance on balance should be the following:

If a player tries to play normally without deliberately trying to exploit the system then it should be difficult for he or she to become overpowered

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Ben sutton
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:14 pm

Bethesda's stance on balance should be the following:

If a player tries to play normally without deliberately trying to exploit the system then it should be difficult for he or she to become overpowered


"Should" being the key word here...

Right now its more "If a player tried to play normally without deliuberately trying to exploit the system, he is OP. If he goes for exploit, he can deal 4x the dragon's hp in one power-attack..."
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michael flanigan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:13 am

Bethesda's stance on balance should be the following:

If a player tries to play normally without deliberately trying to exploit the system then it should be difficult for he or she to become overpowered


I am currently trying to play as a Thief/Assassin that gains levels from pickpocketing and lots of lockpicking so that enemies are "stronger" against my weaker combat skills. I'm also leveling up Alchemy just to have one time buffs against harder fights. I'm also using daggers and not switching to more powerful one-handed weapons if I have to actually fight something head on. It's actually been the funnest build of all, but it's also the slowest. I'm also seriously considering NOT picking up Shadow Warrior. The AI is already stupid as it is vs just regular stealth, and I do more than enough sneak attack damage with my ONE POINT into Archery damage and non upgraded bow. Yes, I'm playing above Adept.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:32 am

I don't think most people atr upset about the fact that you can become very powerful, but rather that it takes very little to achieve it. If it took 100 hours, days of planning and several hard, long quest-lines no one would complain since then people woul hae deserved it if they got it. Simply exploiting the crafting is too easy.

This is exactly right.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:56 pm

I had the same thing happen to me. I spammed iron daggers and got dragon armor, and was disappointed. I now had nothing to strive for. So I started my second playthrough on expert, and I'm planning on not really going near smithing. enchanting is a different story though. I didn't max that, so i'm actually gonna try it this time. And for all of you people complaining about being op'd, put on some iron armor, get a steel sword and a banded iron shield, then play the whole game like that. be the dovahkiin, and don't b***h about how you op'd your character. you know how to do it, so don't do it again.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:17 am

I don't think smithing by itself is all that broken, although it does take the fun out of exploring dungeons. Now vanilla enchanting however...Before you get 100 it does nothing, but once you do and use grand is ludicrous how strong you. :\ I too have had to work really, really hard to keep the game challenging and fun. Mostly I have just hopped from playstyle to playstyle. Of course max level sneak is like perma stealth...not counting invisibility.. >.>; But at least I can giggle maniacally whenever I get the throat slit kill.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:34 am

Sadly the Game is still to easy. On Master my 2handed Warrior became basicly unkillable by level 25 without Enchanting or Alchemy, his only Magic Effects beeing a 15% Magic Resist Necklace and a Ring with 25% 2handed Damage Increase. Sure i had to reload at some Points due some Boss Enemies scaling extremely strong but otherwise im not feeling really challenged after hitting 400+ Armorrating . The only thing that can really hurt you are Dragons and Caster, something you can easily fix by getting some Combination of Magic/Elemental Resists on Items or drinking Potions before engaging.

The real Problem as i see it is lack of Quest Rewards or Rare Drops that have more then one Effect. In Oblivion there were plenty of decent Item with several and diverce Stats, now aside from a few Rewards and the Masks you can only get mediocre Items compared to Enchanting with 100 Perk.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:57 am

If you think grinding iron daggers all the way to master is perfectly fine..more power to's a single player game and all. Far as being done poorly, I highly doubt a Beth quality tester is gonna sit around the forge all day and grind iron daggers to max, they have far higher priorities when playtesting for bugs.

That's exactly the problem. Bethesda either didn't playtest how the new crafting system worked or they simply didn't care. Such a pivotal feature IS a high priority. We are seeing the results of that now.

The game is very easy to beat because developers messed up. Spare me of this 'Skyrim is what you make of it' BS, please. I still like the game but I had to delete 2 characters already as I unintentionally picked combination of perks that took away all the challenge.

Exactly. Bethesda's fault. No way around this. Players will play however they will. Unless they toggle God Mode on, the player deserves NO blame whatsoever. My goodness, what are you people thinking? Bethesda released a broken game, which is not uncommon these days, sadly. Don't forget that these are PROFESSIONALS who are getting paid a LOT of money. Honestly, I see better quality from modders who do it all for free.

I play to find interesting and challenging gameplay, not to explore grapical worlds.

Exactly... again. Skyrim is a game. A role-playing game at that. What should offer more of a challenge than fighting ancient dragons? This isn't "Barbie's Safari" that is supposed to take you into a "dangerous world" and protect you from everything. You are on your own in Skyrim, You're supposed to be in danger as a level 1 character.

People do play for challenges. Ninja Gaiden was brutal even on the default difficulty level. But it was fun and fulfilling as you learned how to survive. You became better or you didn't progress. I'm not saying that Skyrim should be nearly as difficult. But I am saying that there is no reason that there shouldn't be a true "Master" level difficulty. And if you truly want that level of difficulty in game, you CANNOT have something like smithing and/or enchanting making it possible to become so powerful... at least not until you are DEEP into the game. Level-scaling enemies only add to the problems, especially with no super-high-level (or at least intelligent) enemies.

I don't think smithing by itself is all that broken, although it does take the fun out of exploring dungeons.

Dungeon diving is completely unnecessary in Skyrim. I can get better equipment by buying smithing materials from vendors and crafting my own stuff. I can have Glass/Ebony/Daedric equipment without EVER getting into combat (minus the tutorial)... and do so before Elven/Dwemer loot even begins magically appearing in dungeons or shops.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:58 pm

Dungeon diving is completely unnecessary in Skyrim. I can get better equipment by buying smithing materials from vendors and crafting my own stuff. I can have Glass/Ebony/Daedric equipment without EVER getting into combat (minus the tutorial)... and do so before Elven/Dwemer loot even begins magically appearing in dungeons or shops.

Yep, a big problem here, especially because the unique armor rewards are extraordinarily rare, and they are only light for whatever reason. Well I guess there is Ebony Mail but that was an /evil/ questline and not for warriors regardless. >.> Since there is no unique armor, crafted stuff wins...which is just boring.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:21 pm

I really don't get why some people are upset that you can make yourself overpower, every RPG I ever play I tried to find the fastest and easiest way to make my character as strong as possible.

Is buying 1000 heath potions cheating? because with that I am practically invincible.

Being overpowered in certain ways or points in the game,etc tends to be a symptom of issues with the functionality of things in the game, like skills. Complaints directed at the issues with very weak/very strong Skills is not the same thing as complaining about being overpowered. It's really a separate issue. Even without Skills issues you can level past the game scaling. Ultimately making every character technically "overpowered."

That however is not the prime reasons for many complaints.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:58 am

...Yeah, don't care about being overpowered. I think some of you are whiny babies and that's great and all... If you don't like Skyrim or you think it's too easy, stop playing, sell it back to store.

I think the game could use real puzzles. Not like the pillar puzzles or hitting the switches in this order, but real puzzles that don't literally solve themselves.

I don't think it's Bethesda's fault people are exploiting crafting to get vastly overpowered. You guys are doing that because you can, and hell, it's a single player game. You're complaining because nothing's there to sass at you for doing exactly what you want. Are you asking for Bethesda to install a cap on crafting levels? Maybe they should do something like, the player can only gain five smithing levels a day, whether by training or actively crafting.

Also, what the butt, you're supposed to be overpowered. You're the single dragonborn, and you can friggin' breathe fire on everything. Having any shout makes you overpowered.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:46 am

i dont mind being overpowered, but i expect it to come at a certain point in the game. preferably towards the end.

as a conjurer, i became invincible at around level 30 when i got 100 conjuring/destruction. i focused on 2 main perks, alteration as a minor and illusion for quiet casting. thats it. i RP a mage. i refuse to get warrior/assassin perks. that makes no sense in my eyes.

at 30, i think thats too early to become invincible.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:35 am

I don't think most people atr upset about the fact that you can become very powerful, but rather that it takes very little to achieve it. If it took 100 hours, days of planning and several hard, long quest-lines no one would complain since then people woul hae deserved it if they got it. Simply exploiting the crafting is too easy.

As with others... THIS. Being OP at the very end of the game is fun and rewarding. Being OP 1/4 of the way through... not so much. In game mechanics should not allow for some of the silly crap we see. If you want Godmode, ~tgm, otherwise give me a game that is actually challenging no matter what choices I make if I play on Master.

Edit: I just remembered something someone said in another of these threads, "Every game should have an Emerald and Ruby Weapon." I agree with this as well.
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