Well, I noticed something strange today. I had installed a few new argonian textures today so I went in game to see them. The males were just fine, but the female texture were bad. Thinking that the new textures were the cause, I uninstalled them and still, the argonian female was bad. So I uninstalled anything that might touch argonians, yet still bad. So finally I removed TGND and lo and behold the argonian female was fixed. All I have installed is FCOM plus Robert Males TGND and a few face mods and argonian texture mods. So I am without doubt that TGND is the culprit. Has anyone else had this problem?
http://i391.photobucket.com/albums/oo351/Spiffyman777/badargonian.jpg(female argonian in underwear)
Clothed or underwear both have the bad body textures.