Maybe you know It features horse training purchased from guildhall leaders of the Fighters Guild that can boost a horse's stats nicely, but that's the smallest of its features: it basically allows you to control horses PROPERLY, and has many concepts from previous smaller horse mods integrated: where's my horse, saddlebags calls, etc...
A long time ago I saw someone working on what looked like a character menu for the horse, so you could consult its stats,inventory and active effects like in the regular menu for the player. But i assume it never went past of alpha, and even the author said it was terribly unstable.
The main problem with altering a horse's speed is that it scales tremendously with the stat magnitude, and horses don't 'stick' very well to the floor while running due to their size. 33 is pretty much the upper limit for safeness, but it is much slower than a human at 100 speed and athletics. A horse with 40 speed will be faster than most quick characters, but anytime you ride it downhill you will almost surely have to deal with fall damage... but I've just had an idea for a mod using a simple OnFallImpact event handler to avoid that, thanks for the thread!
For horse combat, the only option right now is pretty much Deadly Reflex, which is good enough. I've also read about such a feature being worked at for the MERP mod (Middle Earth RolePlaying)
Edit: :ph34r: by the man himself