My problem lays within the the quest "Throat of the world". I am being told to learn a shout that I need for the main storyline but when I walk up to it nothing happens, I have no previous saves as they are all auto saves and I don't really want to start the whole game over again as I am level 24.... (if this is a problem that has been mentioned before and is currently in the works of a patch then thank you Bethesda)
I can still do side quests no problem and I can still free roam but as soon as I try to do that quest I get stuck. I have tried numerous ways to get around this I.e Clearing my system cache in case it was a just a console glitch and I have also installed the game to my consoles hard drive. For anyone wondering yes, I am on XBOX 360
If anyone knows from experience what the problem is please let me know.