Skyrim is a drop dead gorgeous game to explore and do some misc quests in, but I'm shocked to say that some of Oblivion's questlines were better, particularly the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. The main questline was at least a little better then Oblivion, but still felt too simplistic and cliche. I've completed the Imperial Legion quests, Thieves Guild and half main quest in Skyrim and I didn't feel awed. They were pretty mediocre, which is sort of odd since you'd expect these questlines to be the real meat and bones. Instead, Skyrim's exploration is more interesting instead.
All of the guild quests from Oblivion blew away what was seen in Skyrim. In this game it's like:
1. Hello scrub off of the street.
2. Fetch me some ale.
3. Go kill the bandit leader.
4. Go get me ultra_rare_artifact_piece_01.
5. Avenge the death of our former guild leader.
6. Hail our new overlord.
It was as fast food, instant gratification with zero feeling of accomplishment as you can get. It literally felt like it was made for people who were 12 and wanted to be "Mr. Badass Boss" or something right away.