at one point early on-ish in the game the fletcher in Solitude will sell one single Daedric arrow. what you do is give that single arrow to your follower and take every other weapon off her/him so she/he becomes an archer (i think use of the default bow is important but it doesnt gimp them much as the arrows pick up some of the slack pluas mines has a few +archery pieces of gear). after that you can loot Daedric arrows from anything they shoot. they will produce constant Daedric arrows just like they do with their default arrow.
if you are going stealth it will be kinda crap early on so its kind of a good time to run around with a follower anyway plus an archer follower is pretty good as they dont get in your way much and generally stay far back.
i also believe you can reverse pickpocket a single arrow onto some practising archers in the thiefs guild or something somewhere thereby turning them into arrow producing machines but i haven't got there yet to fully check out that report yet. atm im using Orcish (just for the look

) but i have a fair bundle of Daedric saved for later