So I went up to High Hrothgar and I found Wulfgar practicing his shouts at the cliff. Feeling ever devious, I went to his back and did a Fus-Ro-Dah only to see him withstand my shout! After 15mins of hacking at him alternating with paralyze spell (he tumbles over nearer and nearer to the edge of the cliff with each paralyze), I manage to push him off and I jumped down gingerly after him so as not to lose him. Anyway, at the base of the mountain he got up and started his long trek back to High Hrothgar only to run into an Arch Necromancer and there begins one of the most epic fights I've witnessed in the game.
Wulfgar employs Frost Breath, Fire Breath and Ice Form shouts and the amazing thing is the cooldowns for the shouts are significantly shorter than mine! With him, it is actually viable to use solely shouts to kill enemies (although I had to heal him some, it's an Arch Necromancer after all). Not only that, his shouts come out almost immediately and I believe they are the full-strength versions coz Fire Breath took out quite a chunk of health from the Necromancer. After that fight, my Dovahkin walked away dejected and all the more smaller :sadvaultboy: