I′ve noticed that there are alot of topics about this particular quest, and it seems that it bugs quite alot - in many different ways. Since I didnt find a solution to my "personal" problem, I′d wanted to ask for help here, maybe someone can help me get this quest done. I′m playing the PC version.
I′ve gotten the quest from Aela, go and kill the Silver Hand leader in Broken Helm Hollow.
I was already a bit suspicious that there was no marker on the map showing me where that cave was - so I checked on the internet to see where I had to go, entered the cave, killed the Silver Hand leader and - nothing. No quest update saying "I killed him, lets go back to Aela" or something similar.
Nevertheless, I went back to Jorrvaskr to talk to her - nothing. The quest remains unsolved in my questlog, there is no new dialogue from Aela.
So I′ve done some research on how to solve such a stuck quest. One hint was to use the console command resurrect to kill the Silver Hand leader again - nothing. Ive probably killed him a dozen times. Then another clue was to setstage the quest to 20 instead of 10, so it goes to "completed" status - nothing happens, when I check the quest status it still says 10.
What else can I do to finish this quest, I′m afraid I cannot continue the Companion quest line as it is now

Anyone could help me? Maybe I′m doing something wrong with the setstage command - I′ve entered setstage CR09 20 and nothing happens.
Thanks for help,