Ok, so I participate in a thread I know will be locked or deleted. It gets deleted like I expect, then I get warned. No big deal, really don't care. But what I did care about was why, I was warned for something I did NOT do. And honestly, that's one of my biggest pet peeves. You are not going to tell me I did something I didn't, even if your accusation is close. I responded to the nice mod that I did NOT do what they warned me for, I go to post today and noticed I've been banned. Oh really? It's like that? So respectably stating a difference in views with a mod that contacted you first, will get you banned? No profanity, no derogatory comments, not even any disrespect. Just a difference of opinion, factually based opinions at that. Banned.
Sweet. Well Bethesda, since your forum mods (some) don't have respect for other's personal opinions. And they are a reflection of you, as they act in your stead. I am going to equate that to, you Bethesda do not care for my personal opinions. And you want to promote general ignorance, telling someone to research Hemp does not advocate anything but knowledge.
It's ok though Bethesda, you've got my money. And you've been steadily getting it since Oblivion. I've bought every game you've released since and all the DLC. I actually bought Oblivion 3 times. The collectors edition, disc got stole, a regular copy, and then turned around and bought the GOTY copy. Never again, sure you make great games. Even if they do tend to be buggy at first. But it would seem your company, or at the very least forum, philosophy goes against my personal views. If I can't tell somebody to educate themselves, there is a problem. So while I wish you the best in future endeavors, I sadly won't be around to support them. Not that this even affects you.
For all it's worth, my Skyrim hasn't actually been that bad. Yes, I'm playing on the PS3, and if it's the last game I ever play from your company. I ain't mad, it's a good game. Nice way to end a 7 year affair.