I'm here because during the game I sometime would like to share ask things and comunicate with other players, but there is no way to do this in the game.
I'm playing since two weeks and enjoing this great game.
But I think it is the most antisocial thing I did in my life togheter with other people.
Cudn't you (crytek) or who is responsible add a chat?
(Yes I have seen the chat with the timeclock before game starts)
I like to socialize, even just a little bit, while playing.
I have some questions,
how can I use the plane attack the one that comes with red or green light?
And also is it possible that there is a lag between the game and wath I see playing?
because sometimes I see I get hit twice and go down, in the replay the other was hitting me for a bit longer.
What cud it be due to?
I checked the ping of my connection I have 35 ms, if you check it here at http://pingtest.net/ what result do you get?
The connection speed by me is 20mbit, and the pc is very fast (I get 80fps with ultrasettings and highlevel textures...)
Maybe I'm mistaking and that's just an impression.
Tank you for replies,
soon I will upload a video of the game chaos by online playing
