I once had a pretty epic fight that I had to retry 4 times to get it down.
First I had to take on low level necro's and their skely archer minions. Easy nough.
Next 2 more peons and a medium level necro who all three rez'd their late companions to fight again!!!
After a long drawn out battle where I had killed everyone (again) except the stronger necro I was able to finally take him down by draining all his mana with shock and finally knifing him to death. This was hard cause I was out of potions, mana, and low health. It was a close call.
Finally I entered the boss room with a max level necro who spammed either dual cast Ice Lance's or Blizzard at me down the hall. With little room to maneuver and my Flame Atro getting 1-2 shot it was pretty much up to me. Also she bee-lined it to that medium level necro and brought him back... I finally got them both down by using the second necro as cover while I killed him and popping my Britton ability to absorb all her shiznit. I stunn locked her to death with her own mana pool!!!