So I've been hearing alot of people are getting pissed due to the many bugs prevalent in Skyrim's release in addition to bugs in the patch. Now bugs are bad and I understand the concern, what I don't understand is how the people on here react.
I have experience with Blizzard games and their forum communities, WoW, SC2, etc. and it is much much worse than here. But even so alteast the complaints over there are justified due to Blizzard's games be ever evolving and heavily multiplayer based, on here, well it's single player. So why are people complaining so much to the point of dropping the TES series entirely? It's probably just stupid rage but if so I'd like a genuine response.
But then one must wonder, why am I so chill on this obviously major issue that needs to be addressed? Well first off I come off from playing Blizzard games, so I'm already a PC gamer. Being a PC Gamer takes patience. Yeah sure most us PC gamers rage alot but we understand the complexity about the platform we play on and in turn a decent knowledge on how software/games work.
So Skyrim having multiple bugs is not a problem to me because I've seen it before many times over. So I just wait for it to get fixed, hell Bethesda has already addressed the issue and plans to fix it, that's enough to know.
And what's more, this is the TES series we are talking about. Name one TES game that wasn't overridden with bugs.