So I was realy anticipating this game and I got it for Christmas, loved it and put 40 hours into it in 3 dayz and by the way the only other games I've put anywhere near that amount is nba 2k11 and pes 11 and I got both the day they came out and just now got to 50 in pes. So anyway I stopped playing in mid January idk why I hadn't beat it yet and still stuff to do. So in Feb. My friend offered me 45$ I have know idea where he got.the money cuz he's broke as hell so I gave him the game and I've recently been wanting to play it and I have enough money for it. So my question is would it be worth it for me to by it si?nce I haven't beat it yet and start over with a new character already know you like it putting all those hours in plus you havnt had the closure of finishing and seeing the fruits of your labour pan out.the only question you need to ask yourself is can you afford it and are you willing to part with that money again.if so then you its a big fat YES.